3 yellow roses

Index of New-to-Net Article

Maybe you are creeping online and peeking around bug-eyed at everything so strange. If you're worried about the safety of your soul, you need to read, Dare You Go Online? Is the Internet for You?

Or you may be eager to start your internet business adventures. Here's 7 Ways to Begin on the Net.

If you are like me, however, you want to make sure you keep God involved in all that you do, and yes, there are ways to involve God in your internet business affairs. Ways to Involve God in Your Online Business.

Thinking about the blessings of email to an international family in a crisis leads me to point to some basic etiquette in using emails. Your Email Etiquette.

Doesn't God Want me Rich? He may let many of us flounder in our online business ventures so that we can't get rich - either quickly or slowly because of five unique reasons.

Get your Internet Education by Ezines. That's how to get to all those neat links and tutorials other people seem to find so easily; you can train yourself in web design and marketing, or publicity - whatever you like - all by reading the right ezines.

Seven suggestions for Surfing with an Eye of Discernment when you are checking out web sites. Do these seven things before you lightly sign up or join, or pay any money.

row of pink and gold roses
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Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada