My Friends are my RoseBouquet
(What WAS The RoseBouquet (blog) has now moved HERE - Part of the Static Site)

Subscribe to the Ezine Edition of The RoseBouquet

The best way to get to know me is through my RoseBouquet blog/ezine. It goes out weekly as a webpage, and an email edition - plus an RSS feed.

As promised, your next email - after that Confirmation email - will contain the instructions for downloading your free gift, my testimony e-book, "My Passions for Jesus and for Others."

My Passions for Jesus and for Others

Your Gift for Subscribing

You get a FREE subscription to my weekly inspirational RoseBouquet Ezine Edition. That will save you trying to remember to come here online to read it. Instead, it will come to your email inbox. (Assuming the filters don't trap it!)

The RoseBouquet has an "At My Place..." section describing what I am up to this week, or insights into my private life. The "What's New" section reports on current developments in my sites, and writing and marketing worlds. "Tips & Solutions" gives you links that I've found worthy of a visit, or some helpful ideas and suggestions I want to share.

Click Here to Subscribe to the RoseBouquet
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Disclaimer: Although mostly inspirational, this ezine MAY contain in-house ads and recommendations or links to third-party sites. By entering your subscription you are agreeing to accept these, (but, of course, you don't have to act on them. :)

You will be asked to respond to a confirmation email to prove that you really are at that email address and want to subscribe. (This double-optin insures that no one else can accidentally, or as a joke, subscribe with your email address.)

Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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©2001-2023 Ruth Marlene Friesen
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada