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RoseBouquet - About and FOR Friends of
Ruthe's Secret Roses. (Ezine edition)

#1086 vol.25 - Sorting my Projects - Feb. 11, 2025

Welcome Friends

Sorting my Projects

I'm over my holiday spell of illness, and buckling down now to get my many big and small projects done.

I've almost finished going through my bedroom and have filled several bags full of clothes that are too big for me, or just never get to wearing. I've set them into the porch for when I am ready to take a car load to a thrift shop or two.

I would also like to deep-clean & downsize my basement before gardening season arrives!

On the corner of my desk I have about 3 wads of receipts from purchases that I need to record and file away. - There is also the matter of retyping all my banking records because my file disappeared when my hard drive went Phfftt! back in October. (No, it's not on my backup drive!)

Sunday night I sorted through the Christmas cards and letters I received for Christmas. (Some might be from earlier years.) I'm hoping to answer them over the next few weeks, mostly on Sunday nights.

I have a list of things to research and learn, then do them on my sites and those of my clients. Also to rebuild the site for an evangelist in Uganda, and turn his sermons into ebooks.

There are some ebooks brooding in my mind, and I promised to turn a friend's inspirational book, (she's now in a nursing home), into an ebook.

Plus, I've recently learned of at least two new ideas for making extra money on the side. IF ONLY I HAD THE TIME!

But, I've promised the Lord that I will clear my backlog of work before I take on any new ideas.

Good thing I have my health and strength back, eh?

Supportive prayers are appreciated!

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What's New: ASK, SEEK & KNOCK

In our ESL class on Sunday morning, the verses in Luke 11:9-10 came up; Jesus urges his disciples to ASK, SEEK & KNOCK for the things they want/need.

I explained to the three Chinese students at my table that I've been learning to apply this advice this way:

I ASK in prayer for the resources I need to do the things I already know Jesus wants me to do. He promises these will be given to us if we ask.

I SEEK answers or how-to information, in the Bible or even online when I need a technical answer for how to do something. Jesus promises we will find the answers.

When I see an opportunity, I look to Jesus again, and ask Him if I should KNOCK on that door. He says, 'No' sometimes, but often, He said to me, "Wait a while. You are not ready for that new adventure just yet." So I know I am not denied, but in God's economy there is a right time and a a wrong time for some things. That may apply to the resources we think we need, or even the solutions to problems that we need to solve.

If we remember He wants to answer our prayers; but timing is important in many of situations, we can learn to be much less impatient. By waiting for the right timing, God's far better plans will work out for us. We'll have much greater success in our small and big endeavours.



Remember Puffed Wheat Cake?

When you were a child, did your Mom ever make puffed wheat cake? That used to be a popular and easy to make treat, and often was brought to social events at church too.

I had not seen or heard of puffed wheat cake for years; then a few days ago I came across a good-sized bag of puffed wheat in my pantry. (I don't recall buying it so I think my sister must have brought it when she was here last June for that 3-day feat of making foods for me and filling my freezer. Although I found this on a pantry shelf.)

I wondered where I'd find a recipe for Puffed Wheat Cake? I had not had any for so long I could not recall how it was made. So I hunted through Mom's recipe books until I found it. I tried it and it's so easy! However, it has so much sweet stuff in it that I may not make it again in a long while.

Here it is, in case you want to try it.

Puffed Wheat Cake
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 c. syrup
1/4 c. butter
2 Tbsp. cocoa
8 c. puffed wheat

Boil first 4 ingredients together for 2 minutes. Put the puffed wheat into a large buttered bowl and pour the boiled syrup over it, mix well. Press into a buttered pan. Cool and cut into squares.

P.S. I think this works with popcorn too.

Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen

The Responsible One

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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada