My Friends are my RoseBouquet

New Home of My RoseBouquet

Go to the Archives Index if you wish to check for an older article from 2020. Otherwise, watch for announcements of new e-books that I expect to produce that will share the best of the older issues. At the moment there are 905 issues of the RoseBouquet that was published as blog posts, as an xml file (for Feed Readers), and as an ezine emailed to my subscribers.

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RoseBouquet - About and FOR Friends of
Ruthe's Secret Roses. (Ezine edition)

#1088 vol.24 - July 23, 2024

Welcome Friends

I LOVE Missions Conferences

I went to the Waldheim Missions Conference Sunday night, and had a great time! I've been telling several friends about it via email and realized that my friends here may enjoy this too.

Or, maybe be amused at my enthusiasm, eh?

Waldheim is a small prairie town about 40 minutes drive north of Saskatoon, and has been having a summer missions conference for 90 years!

I recall our family going almost every evening for that week in July from way back before the churches in that town were built bigger and better. Back then it was held in the hockey or curling rink. It had no real glass windows, but it had wooden window-sized sections that could be pushed out at the bottom to let fresh inside.

My earliest memory is about me babysitting my young siblings in the car just outside one of those louvered openings, and listening to Theodore Epp preaching inside, whom I knew from his daily sermons on Back to the Bible on the radio.

As the younger siblings learned to sit still through the service, probably because some of the missionaries dressed in the ethnic clothing of the people they went to reach, and we heard stories and saw interesting displays in the foyer, or side room. I got to hear and see more too.

While I lived in London, Ontario, I was glad I attended a church that believed in having missionary conferences every fall. I was excited to be asked to help make theme displays!

When I moved back home in 1983 to care for my parents, I was glad to see that they still went to at least one of the missions conference evenings each summer. I felt like the ugly duckling who had found her own kind!

I can't afford the gas or time to go for every night to Waldheim where the churches take turns hosting the service, but I do try to go for the opening Sunday evening if at all possible.

This past Sunday evening the place was swarming with people; I must've greeted a dozen missionaries I have known for years. I hugged and received hugs from a number of those! I signed up for prayer letters from a couple from Costa Rica. (I'm already on the mailing lists of many others.)

Driving home in a blue/grey fog which was actually smoke from the forest fires to the west of us, I could not help but think how blest I've been to know about and enjoy my friendships with so many missionaries. I really love their reports and would gladly go again - Monday thru Wednesday this week, but I know it is not wise or feasible.

Perhaps you thought you knew me but this may be a new side. I was surprised myself to realize how very special missions and missionaries are to me!

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What's New: If I Seem to Disappear Next Week...

Okay. This not a sure guarantee, but it may happen. So if I seem to disappear next week... meaning that your emails don't reach me, and my websites have disappeared off the internet - I want to explain why that might happen.

About 4-6 weeks ago, I learned that the server where my websites, and those of six clients are located, needs to be upgraded. I was told that would cost $444 US. I didn't have it on hand, so asked for time to think and pray about it.

Then last week some money came in - enough to cover that so I went to their Support Desk in the evening to ask if I could pay for this and have it done. Turns out it is now FREE - but, that is the slower way, and it means my sites will be off-line for 3-5 days. That includes my emails that are made up of those domain names! OUCH!

There is another option; to migrate all the sites to a new server that already is up-todate, but that will cost nearly $2000 US (which is 30% more in Cdn money, or over $2,750+). Again, I am on a very frugal budget, and I'm used to it, so I could just swallow my pride and take the free option. But what if my clients balk at that? Then I'll have to wait for the funds to come in to pay for that easy-peasy route.

I'm planning to write them yet today and see what they say. But we would all have to make the same choice. No split vote allowed.

Now I don't want to give you all the details here and now for how to reach me if we should go the upgrade route and you can't reach me the usual email way. (The hackers can read this online, remember?=!)

But I do have a neglected gmail address I can give you, so you can call me or ask me for it in a separate email this week. I think I would not ask for the upgrade until next week.

As for the RoseBouquet, I do publish it from one of my websites, but since my mailing list is not too long, I could send it from that gmail address next week and you would still get it.

But once this decision is made - and if it is for the first/free option, then I will be emailing a lot of my friends personally to let them know of the dates and what that other email address is.

If you are willing to pray about this, please do! And my sincerest thanks and gratitude!! God bless you for it!



Cell Phone Lessons, Please?

the website that takes payments for me at my two eCommerce stores, and then deposits it into my banking accounts.

I have had a terrible time trying to login to Stripe the website that takes payments for me at my two eCommerce stores, and then deposits it into my banking accounts. But I've been having trouble logging in. Around and round I go, trying over and over to set a new password, and then I still can't login!

I logged a complaint with their Support department; yesterday I got a polite email asking when would be a good time to phone me. We set a time for this morning.

A very polite person led me through the login process, only to see that I had to create yet another password. After some back and forth it became clear that I was expected to be on a cell phone and getting an authentication number to enter in the box before I could go any further.

I got my cell phone out of my purse and explained that I do not know how to download that google app to take the next step. Since I had no one here to show me, I promised to find a friend who could guide me through these steps in- person, and teach me how to scan a QR code, and so forth.

Is there anyone within driving distance - or over my land- line phone who can walk me through these steps? It seems I'm locked out until I can do this and get a 6 digit authentication number via my cell phone. Does that sound as hard to you as it does to me? Or are you laughing right now at my ignorance?

Would you be merciful and call about helping me?

Have pity on a little ol' lady who doesn't know everything!

Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen

The Responsible One

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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada