There are SO many things to say about friendship, and a lot have been said more eloquently by others over many centuries. However, you probably want to see a few of my key thoughts first.
Do you know the old song, In the Garden? It starts out, "I come to the garden alone, while the dew is still on the roses; and the voice I hear...." Well, that song epitomizes how I see my relationship with Jesus Christ, my very Best Friend in the world. In turn, that relationship affects how I see other people, and want to be the kind of good, faithful friend to them, as He has been to me. Especially, in my case, with other women and girls - as this is purely platonic, or spiritual, not a sexual relationship at all.
You've probably noticed that this whole website seems to revolve around that theme, right? That's exactly how I intended it! :)
Here are five questions to consider when a new friend comes into your life. This assumes you are willing to be an intentional agent of God's love and in starting a wonderful friendship.
1. What are God's purposes in this friend's life? What responsibilities and opportunities has God given this person?
2. How far has that friend come? Has he or she achieved what's on his or her horizon?
3. What, if anything, has hindered God? Things like bitterness, temporal values, or moral impurity can halt or turn aside God's higher goals for a person.
4. How can I cooperate with God to help out this new friend? Can I visualize achievements and be of assistance in removing root problems?
5. What can I learn from this person?
Remember, God does not want us to be so fearful or in awe of another person that we are tied up in knots.
Nor are we to think of ourselves above others, and to use them to our own selfish advantage. There is always something we can learn from everyone we meet and get to know.
Be intentional about your friendships. Make new friends because you might be in a position to help them along. Leave it up to God to work out how they will bless and help you.
If nothing works, consider that this is not the right season for your relationship, and just look for what you can learn. Maybe that will be a don't-follow-this-example kind of lesson.
True friendships last a long, long time, not just the space of today's date. So don't file them away too quickly. Even if they get interrupted, sometimes they will bounce back stronger and richer many years later.
I confess to being quite idealistic when it comes to friendships. I treasure them so highly, but also feel that responsibility referred to above.
Arbour Pages: Photos of My Parents ~ Dad at 90 ~~ Day of Dad's Funeral ~~ New Author Pics (2005-2006) ~~ Friendship - About Helping Your Friend Succeed ~~ Defining Mentor or Merea ~~ Let me learn English and READ! ~~ What it Takes to Write for Kids ~~ Writing Tips ~~ Publishing Tips for Do-It-Yourself-ers ~~ Successful Goal setting Spiritual Retreat ~~ Come Tour Hague, my Hometown~~ Arbour Index
Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One
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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada