A second printing, in glorious color, this is a lovely book for teaching primary and elementary age children to care about missions and to pray for people groups around the world. This is an excellent tool for families or children's groups in church.
92 countries or people groups are each given a two page spread that gives a little background, for a child's perspective, some little maps, "little fact file" and "Do you know?" boxes, and a short list of items, both to thank God for, and to ask God for in regards to those people.
This is produced by authors from the WEC International mission, which also produces a Prayer Force Handbook with a similar purpose, but Window on the World is much more winsome with its bright photos and text geared to children. Many young people and adults will prefer this book.
Besides a two-page world map locating the countries covered, the end of the book has background information on world religions like Animism, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism. It has a good list of contact information for dozens of missions, including their web sites so that readers can do further research on their own. Plus a word list.
It's hard to think of anything that's missing, and the publishers are to be commended for this resource. Oh, that all our prayers might be intelligent and focused on the true needs of these needy groups.
Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One
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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada