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517075: Older Child Adoption

Older Child Adoption

by Grace Robinson
Published by Crossroad Publishing

If you have friends, as I do, or have talked of adopting hurting, abused kids, as I have, please do your friend or yourself a huge favor and read this book first. It may not discourage you, but it will certainly open your eyes to the problems to be expected, and the resources you, or your friends, need to line up first. Fore-warned is fore-armed, and it is much easier to rise to those unforeseen challenges if you have clues that they will come, and what strengths you need to face them.

Through running vignettes, from the experiences of dozens of parents who have adopted older (more than age 2) and hurting children, this is an honest look at what it is like to have one or more in your home. It is hard to put the book down, and by the time you reach Part 2 you are sure you couldn't do it. Then in the last chapters you see that it is possible with commitment and perseverance, and the weapon of knowledge.

Oh-h, the crying need for better and more resources for these brave families! I hope this book stirs up a lot of good!

(Reprinted with Permission from Provident Bookfinder)

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Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada