3 yellow roses

100 Ways to Teach Your Children About God

100 Ways To Teach Your Child About God

by Karyn Henley
Published by Tyndale House, 2000 - 157 pages
ISBN: 0842337849

Henley, who has already produced excellent resources for parents and Christian educators, has done it again. This one lays out in short simple paragraphs ways to teach your child about God. She starts with some tips for training babies by reading the Bible to them and singing, and praying for them.

From toddlerhood up you can communicate love and show how children are important, and how God is important in many simple ways using Scriptures but also the things you see and do in ordinary daily life. Included are a number of object-lesson type ways of explaining the trinity, how God is holy and awesome, God's rules, and how He rules, and many other attributes of God.

I've already used an illustration in my Sunday School class, and am packing the book with my regular bag or kit that I always carrry with me to Sunday School. It's going to get well-thumbed!

There alone I discovered a good reason for it's small compact size. Parents and teachers may also want to take it with them in a pocket or purse until they have tried and can recall most of the ideas.

God bless Karyn Henley, for this book will bless many others for years to come!

(Used by Permission, from Provident Bookfinder)

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Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada