3 yellow roses

Your Depression-Pit UP Rope-Ladder

© Ruth Marlene Friesen

You are not likely to be reading this while you are in the depths of the dungeon of depression; you must be feeling a bit better. So right now would be a good time to make a copy of this checklist, and when those dreadful feelings of despair well up, you can have this list handy. Look objectively at yourself and search your heart to answer the questions.

these questions and deal honestly with each one, you may climb up out of your pit quite easily.


Before you call your doctor, and try traditional treatments look for external factors;

Am I truly depressed, or just discouraged right now?

Have I cleaned up all the clutter around here?

Is my home bright and cheerful? Do I hide in the dark?

Do I have depressing, pounding music or melodious music playing in the background?


Evaluate your expectations and standards too;

Have I got realistic to-do lists?

Does my telephone have me tied up and enslaved?

Can I delegate some of my duties to others?

Do I have a positive outlook on life, or do I expect things to go wrong and get worse?


Of course, you are a spiritual being. The part of you that you can't see influences everything else. Ask yourself, how am I doing in;

a reason to live that is worth dying for?

forgiving everyone who has wronged me?

have I a clear conscience?

am I prepared for the cycles of life?

understanding God's purposes for allowing pain?

destroying evil objects that can grip me?

deliberately wearing smiles and choosing joy?


Some doctors consider depression to come from chemical imbalance. That is not always true. Sometimes you only need to clear up some physical problems. Inquire;

do I have a hormonal imbalance?

how about checking my thyroid?

do I regularly get enough deep sleep?

do I have a chronic illness?

have I experienced a great emotional drain lately?

am I taking a medication with possible side effects?

does our family have a history of depression?

is my spinal column in correct alignment?

is my sugar intake low enough, and my fiber intake high enough?

would vitamin B12 shots help me counter-balance anemia?


When you have ruled out all the above, and still find you cannot cope with your depression, by all means, go to your doctor and get professional help. They will appreciate it, when you can say you have ruled out all these other possible causes. It will save so many tests and other appointments. Perhaps you won't need to go to the doctor at all!

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[Article may be reprinted only with this resource box].

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Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada