Has your faith ever been really shaken up by a huge disappointment? I mean, you THOUGHT God was going to bring this certain dream to pass, and it just hasn't happened.
Or, it might have been a godly friend, or even a pastor to whom you looked up for counsel, and a fine example, but who now has done something that shocks you so much, you feel as if you have been punched in the gut with a boxers' huge mitt; you just can't breathe! It's so overwhelming.
The financial world is in upheaval these days, and you may be aghast to find your life savings invested in a so called "safe" place, are dissipating like a morning fog after the sun is up.
For twelve years I thought I had a clear view of God's plan for my life, and it just did not materialize.
Furthermore, I was powerless to make it happen.
More recently, a man I know is walking around mortally wounded in his spirit. He made a mistake in judgement about someone else in the church. He recognized his error and confessed it publicly, however, his best Christian friend and a respected leader in the church, refuses to forgive him. Their close relationship has been forever changed, and the first man mourns it deeply. His talents are going to waste, and attending church on Sundays now seems a farce to him.
What do you think he should do?
Opinions are a dime-a-dozen, so let's ask instead, what does God say we - any of us - should do when our faith gets all shook up?
It's so simple many of us miss it because we're hunting for the complicated answer. God has said it often in the Bible, we are to throw ourselves, figuratively, by faith on Him, and hang on with utter abandon. Trust Him.
Trusting God is hardest when we feel deeply wounded in our spirit, or dejected and forsaken. Yet Job showed us the best response is to worship God, and believe He loves us even though we do not understand what seems so horrendous to us.
When it is the hardest, that's when we must make our will and mind up to focus on God and His Perfectness. The Evil One would gladly see us despair and give up, and perhaps even end our own lives. But then we played right into his hands in this H U G E battle of the ages and the universe between God and His rebellious Lucifer.
The only way to be on the winning side is exactly to believe and trust God when we cannot see from above time and the planets, from the beginning to the end of our crisis. We do want good to win, don't we?
Then weep over your disappointment on the Lord's chest, and cling to Him. When others misunderstand, or despise you, load up on forgiveness and pour it on that former friend or leader. Take the royal robe of love and put it on that one too.
If your money has sneaked away, turn your eyes to the Lord God of the universe, call Him Father, and say, "Okay, let's see what it's like to live on Your income!"
If you do, your faith will grow un-faltering pylons into God, and you will see wonders and blessings that will astonish you more than you were devastated. You may be tested again with stunning surprises, but each time you commit yourself to trusting God afresh, your faith will grow sturdier and brighter. Like a sunrise!
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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada