Once we are adults, we can point to some Christmas that was rotten, where we were deeply disappointed. Or we went off to do our own thing, and now feel broken and ugly. Like we don't deserve any pleasant surprises or gifts, and this colours our attitude to the festivities. You might not be looking forward to the fuss next week.
Echoing in my mind are thoughts that were expressed at the funeral I had attended today, and I believe they apply to this problem.
In 2 Corinthians chapter 4, the Bible talks of having this precious treasure - this light and power that shines within us - held in perishable containers. In the older translations it compares us to broken clay pots.
The first time this image really got to me, I pictured it as a painting, which I still would like to paint one day, of some much-used clay pots off in a dark corner. They have cracks down the sides, and large pieces chipped out, so one might think they're useless. But wait, through those cracks and chipped out spots are tumbling bright sparking diamonds and jewels! How the light catches them against the dark, and forsaken looking pots in the corner.
We - you and I are those clay pots. The hard times we have been through have worn us down, and given us permanent scars.
How do I get that treasure, you may ask. What is it?
This treasure is Jesus Christ Himself. When we choose to believe that Jesus is the Son of God, come to earth on that very first Christmas, He abides in us and will walk and talk with us, if we surrender our wills completely to Him. Devote yourself to Him 100% and be unashamed about letting Him shine through you. When the hard things come upon you, defer to Christ's way of handling the matter.
Like, if Christmas should be a rotten time for you this next week. Stop yourself short and consider what would be Jesus' totally opposite way of coping. Then do that!
People will notice, though they may not grasp what's going on. you probably won't either, until you've done it some time and then look back . . . .
Why look at that! There's bright and lovely treasure showing through those cracks and flaws in you!
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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada