This ever-expanding Library contains;
My Own Articles
with seven categories, like; Inspirational, New-to-the-Net, Writing, Publishing, Web Design, Business on a
Shoestring, and Findings, or Gems from others.
Here's an ebook that is free for just a week:
Angel Encounters 2022.pdf
(It needs a new cover and another proof-reading.)
In case you are wondering Why on Earth, an eBook? I do have answers on that page.
A number of years ago I start a Short Story Writing Game. But I got busy with a new life after Dad died, and just let it go. I'm willing to restart this game where we look at the requirements for short stories, choose one plot line per week or month, and wait to see what comes in! You are welcome to take part - Except! Wait! You need to be subscribed to the RoseBouquet first! Subscribe HERE!
Here is the Index to ALL my Short Stories from back when we first started this Short Story Writing Game.
Like you, and most writers, I've loved to read almost as long as I can remember. Reading and writing are closely tied together. It's like a language, once you learn to understand it, you find yourself speaking it too.
I learned to read and speak English as a second language when I started school in an old-fashioned one-room Country school. and I often tell the funny story of how my mother prepared me and when I first spoke those prepared answers on my arrival at that country school.
BUT by Christmas I was reading books to my younger siblings! I devoured books more than food, and read anything, even a box full of Readers' Digests when Dad was a garbage man. In school, I gobbled up detective series, romances and adventure, even biographies.
As I grew older I became more discriminating, and in a period of deep spiritual searching and growth in the 1970s and early 80s, I began to look for specific books to help me get closer to God. I wanted to understand His ways in my life, and how to get answers to my prayers - consistently. Fortunately, I had a boring receptionist-switchboard operator job for most of those years, and was allowed to read hours on end. The books that came into my hands at that time were the books that shaped me into who and what I am today.
Then, when writing poetry one day, I remembered that I had never thanked my first grade teacher for teaching me to read! So I wrote a poem, I Owe You Gratitude to express how special this skill of reading and writing is to me.
This is collection of my own articles and some gems of excellent quality that I have gathered from others is constantly
growing. It covers articles in these categories of;
Helps for the New-to-the-Net
Writing & Publishing
Business on a Shoestring
Gems borrowed from Others
Web Design.
(Each topic has it's own sub-index on the above links.
You may copy and use these articles, as long as you keep the Resource Box intact and publish it under the article.
In this Sharing Library are a number of reviews of books I have read and can recommend to you. Check the complete index of book reviews here.
Remember, you can always check into my Library and take away as much as you like! It's here for Sharing! Although....! I do want to add some good eBooks for sale this year! (Besides the free eBooks)
Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One
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©2001-2023 Ruth Marlene Friesen
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada