really rosy Rose! 3 copies of novel; Ruthe's Secret Roses

My Life Story Told in Pictures

My Adult Years

As a church secretary at West London Alliance
As part-time church secretary at West London Alliance 1970s-1983

Me as Pioneer Girls Chief
As Pioneer Girls' Chief Leader and Co-ordinator at WLA 1975-1983. (Taken about '82)
Me shortly after I moved back to Hague
Shortly after moving back home to be my parents caregiver, fall of 1983
As a Sunday School teacher at Neuanlage Grace Mennonite
As a Sunday School teacher at Neuanlage Grace Mennonite, about 1995
Mom and I, on Mother's Day, 1997
Mom and I, Mother's Day, 1997
Author photo when my novel was about to be published, 2001

Ruth Marlene Friesen
Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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©2001-2022 Ruth Marlene Friesen
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada