My Friends are my RoseBouquet
(What WAS The RoseBouquet (blog) has now moved HERE - Part of the Static Site)

Welcome to the Busy Circle

You already know that I keep myself busier than a one-armed paper-hanger. Just with my business projects agenda, but then in the summer I also try to work in regular sessions on the garden - weeding and watering, though of late I have to allow some of that time for harvesting raspberries (nearly done), now lots of cherry tomatoes! Plus zucchini, and watching out for the melons, and dead flowers to save for seeds, and so on and on.

Last week we had several rainy days, so I used my gardening times to re-pot the new aloe vera plants that had popped up and needed their own pots. The ones I've done already fill all the shelves in my front porch, leaving no room for the bigger pots!

IF I can manage it, I hope to have a plant sale from the front lawn this Saturday to reduce the number of plants, as I already have more than I can set before my windows!

There are a number of other projects waiting in the wings for a turn in my busy schedule. Such as, letter-writing, getting my colour printer to work again, sewing projects, deep-cleaning! Oh, right! The car-shopping too!

Yes, some will have to wait until the fall or winter when the garden is no longer keeping me busy, but say, leaves are now turning colour and falling down; raking times have to be fit into those agendas too.

If you want to "see" my garden you will have to come soon, as I'll start pulling up plants and burying some for compost soon. Should you come at the right time, you may get some veggies to take home. (Also containers full of seeds.)

I have two giant pumpkins - oblong in shape but starting to turn golden. Also some watermelon - tho' they are smaller.

I have taken some photos and when I get a few Sunday evenings free, I'll prepare a "Garden Tour" letter filled with photos. But I don't see it working yet for the next two Sundays. And the colour printer is on strike. A certain upgrade may help, but I don't know that for sure yet.

Now I would not be surprised if it turns out that you are just as busy as I am. Welcome to this circle!

Let's thank God that we have the health and strength to do all that we do!


When Looking for Help with Technology

I found myself quoting my beloved "Gr'ma" with that phrase a number of times last week. It just came to me again!

Check with friends, or do some research online. Look first for the basic functions of the item or work you want it to do for you. This may require reading a number of articles that give such information. When you come to new words that you are not familiar with, look them up in a dictionary or in Google.

When you think you have found the item or tech field where you may have the answer, look for reviews on that software or the related equipment. Read also reviews to see what other users are finding valuable - or as useless.

Once you know what the right technology or product you need, you can focus your research on that. Often different companies offer a similar product but they may not all have the features you want - so it pays to read up on each one, and any customer reviews for clues as to the one that works most reliably and with the least amount of technical hassles.

Above all put on patience and diligence as your main gear.

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Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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