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Two National Holidays

Canadians celebrated our nation's birthday on July 1,Saturday. Today, it is the Americans celebrating their GREAT BIG holiday, Independence Day!v

So-o, is it correct to say Congratulations? No?

I just checked online and there are about 40 different greetings you can give someone orally, or by email, or text message. Most of these are at least 2-3 lines long.

Hmm...? Well, then I guess we can take the liberty of making up our own, personalized greeting.

Canadians are more low-key about our nation's birthday; many go off to a lake as a family and have some holiday fun. Some go to a fair with fun things to see and do with their close friends.

Personally, I spent my Saturday weeding flowerbeds, and resting and then later watering the garden with the movable sprinkler for the first time this summer.

I get the impression Americans like to have public gatherings with speeches by important people, flag-waving, and songs and stories about the founding of their nation.

________________________ Congratulations to America on 246 years of freedom. Remember those who made this day possible and all they did for your freedoms. Celebrate and enjoy this special day with your families and loved ones! _______________________


Remedies for Sore/Smarting Tongue

Last week and this week my tongue has had all kinds of fizures and feels as if chunk has bee carved of the left side. Last night I got quite tired of this and did some research for good remedies.

The two that I thought would be easiest for me was to gargle with some salt-water in a glass, and to lick a bit of honey off the tip of a teaspoon.

I tried these remedies last night before bed, and whoa! my mouth felt considerably better. I did it again this morning and am now thinking it is time to have another treatment soon.

Earlier last week I had checked, and it seems this problem can arise from indigestion and maybe eating too many acidic foods - such as citrus fruits, etc. So... I was mostly eating bland non- citrus fruits, even neglecting a bag of fresh bing cherries.

But now I see that the salt-water gargle and a bit of honey is the healing part of the solution.

I suspect stress could be a cause too, and since my stress issues are going away... my tongue should soon be fine.

Just in case this happens to you. :)

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Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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