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Splat on the Floor!

I'm getting a little tired of talking about my mis-adventures, but hey, I may as well bring up this incident before it is old news.

Last Thursday morning, the doorbell rang, so I hurried around the corner of my desk to open the doors, seeing it was EW, the man who comes to see if I need my paths cleared, or whatever.

However, in my hurry (it all happened SO FAST), my right toes hooked on my left foot, and Splat I was flat on the floor in a split second!

Of course I scrambled up, and hobbled to the doors groaning.

I let EW go through the house to work on my back steps and the garden path, while I sat down at the computer.

Oddly enough, when I woke from my afternoon nap in the recliner, my left lower rib-cage felt swollen and tender. I wondered if I might have cracked a rib after all in that fall. A little later I was aware of a hard round lump to the left of my tummy. Hmmm?? Curious-er all the time.

At bedtime I observed that my left ankle bone and 6-8 inches up on that shin I had a swollen and tender muscle. It itched!

You may see now why I've been concerned to get some lab tests to see just how bad some of these symptoms are, on top of the ones I told Dr. Kayla about.

I do feel that the LORD has stepped in to work out my need of a doctor to check these things out. What a relief if my fears come to nought!


A New Type of Dementia You Can Avoid!

There is a new dementia you can avoid. But you may have to act fast if you have been heavily exposed. Which is quite likely!

Consumer Reports magazine had an full exposure in the last issue, about a dementia that comes from foods that have picked up plastic particles from the ocean, from the ground in garbage dumps, and from the left-overs we put into our cheap plastic containers with matching lids.

CR has this huge lab down in their USA location with 100s of tests they run on all kinds of products, foods, etc. They found that plastics get into landfills, degrade into chemicals and leach into water and soil. Incinerated plastics put chemicals into the air. Microplastics can be generated during production, use, or disposal of wastes, and eventually enter our foods. The key chemicals are bisphenols and phthalates which enter foods and and become endocrine disruptors, meaning they interfere with production and regulation of estrogen and hormones.

What to do!? Avoid plastics food storage containers, stay clear of fast foods, eat less high-fat foods, eat fresh, minimally processed foods, choose wood, stainless steel and silicone for kitchen tools. Use water bottles made of glass or steel.

I thought I was smart to replace much glass with plastics!! Now to switch backwards again!? Ouch!

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Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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