My Friends are my RoseBouquet

Here are the Cheerful Notes

There is a lady in church in charge of our prayer programs. She sent me an email about signing up for digital Prayer magazines. They looked pretty good, but the signup process insisted I was giving a wrong address. I told this woman about it and she said that she had a box full of print magazines as she had subscribed for many years; would I like to borrow them?

Of course I agreed. However, both she and her husband came down with colds that next Sunday. Then later she called to say that they would be willing to bring the magazines to my house that very day. Sure enough, her husband carried in this heavy filing box full of magazines on Prayer! (I was instantly grateful that I didn't have to carry them to my car trunk and then into the house!)

So now, when I'm in the recliner, and not ready to fall asleep immediately, I pick up the magazine on my table and read a few articles. I've learned some wonderful things I had not known about prayer. Like, making sure I give God the glory for His answers to prayer. The first issue I picked up was full of good articles on that topic.

I may be a year or more making it through all these magazines, but I consider them a great treasure trove and huge blessing!

They also keep me from feeling too sorry for myself.

That last week of December I had made a list of little Extra projects that I needed to fit in here or there. Some might only take a few minutes - some stretch out to a couple of hours. But I've been able to get a few of those done in the shorter blocks of time that I'm at the computer.

Even my KMail is back in service - although, whatever happened to my saved emails from 2023 - is still a mystery to me!!

Right now I think there are only 9- or 10 on that Extras list.

Surely, like the Sept 22nd fracture, this too shall pass, and I can get to my regular routine like a roaring train going by!


Listing Your Extra Projects

This is a good idea, instead of brooding sometimes over all the little projects you can't seem to fit in or get done, get a card you can keep in a handy place.... (or a list on your computer) that will often be where you can glance at it.

You can add or cross off projects as they come to mind, or as you get them done.

Sometimes you'll glance at it and realize there is one that you can get done in the next 15-20 minutes. Get at it immediately - then cross it off.

That will make you feel more hopeful about the rest of the list.

In 2-3 weeks you may find that you have got all those project done. So start another list. You can prowl around the house to see if you remember some long-forgotten project to add to the list. Then try to sneak one in here or there, and watch to see how little time it took to get them all done.

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Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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