My Friends are my RoseBouquet
(What WAS The RoseBouquet (blog) has now moved HERE - Part of the Static Site)

End of Garden Photo Letter

I did get four pages of photos of the garden ready on Sunday night, and have started adding personal letters (1-2 pages) for those who most look forward to my end of summer and my garden photos about this time of year.

My list of friends who want to see this gets longer as I think of more names to add to my list. So it may take me to the end of this week - maybe even into next week to get this done. But if you want to be sure to get such a letter, (by email or by snail mail), just drop me a line.

When you see the pictures of the garden harvest you may under- stand why I've been looking forward to the meals and desserts I can make with them. Right now... that time looks hazy.

I used to invite single friends without a family to go home to for Thanksgiving over for a nice turkey meal. But I gave it up for this holiday as I knew I could not stand up on my feet to make the food ready - forsooth carry a turkey from one counter to another!

I did put some chicken drumsticks in the crockpot with some cherry tomato sauce yesterday and called it my Thanksgiving treat. I have enough left for another meal or too.

Also I got some frozen yogurt (like ice cream) last week, and can have dessert whenever I want it!

I did enjoy some phone visits with relatives who phoned Sunday and yesterday to check on me.

How about you? Did you have a special Thanksgiving day or even a whole weekend? What blessed you the most?

Best wishes to my American Friends who celebrate Thanksgiving in November.


How to Quickly Educate Yourself on Any Topic

Any time you find your mind swirling with questions on a topic, you can get a quick over-view of many details relating to that one topic, by putting in the keyword or keywords in a browser and see what the internet already knows about that topic.

For example, "sternum bone" gives you a long-LONG page full of links to articles and often these are summarized right near the link so you may not need to even visit that site. You will also find videos embedded right in the page, or a link is provided, so that you can see detailed diagrams, photos, and short but fairly thorough descriptions of how to deal with the problems that come up with that topic.

If you do not get a lot of information served up at the first try, just change your search word or keywords, to be a bit more refined. More waves of information will come at you!

Now, just be careful not to become a walking encyclopedia! Your family and friends don't want to hear all that you've just learned.

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Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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