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A Caring Receptionist Calmed My Fury

Some years ago, a woman came to my door - friendly as could be - and persuaded me to sign up for a home security system. It didn't really work, (a Sasktel worker showed that they had not hooked up the wiring correctly, but I had to pay for that!)

When I tried to get out of that contract I was told that I was stuck for the full 5 year payment plan. I chaffed at the evil of it all, but they threatened a court case, so I resigned to the payments.

However, I vowed to be on my guard and NEVER EVER again sign for any payment plan without taking time to pray over it very carefully and researching the company involved.

Well a similar situation arose recently. On Dec. 18th I could not get the thermostat for my furnace to work even when I put in new batteries, so I called the company and they sent out a man to fix it. However, he also laid some long coloured pages on my desk and said I should sign up for this maintenance plan. I would have up to 22 days to cancel it. He would NOT leave until I signed it.

It did not take me many days of praying to confirm that this was not wise. Cancel it! I took their documents to their office on January 4th, and a patient receptionist called and went to talk to others in various departments in the building. It took quite a while but she assured me they had no such contract on file for my account.

I went away satisfied.

Last week an official bundle of papers came in the mail, thanking me for signing up for this long-range maintenance plan for my furnace. It said I had 10 days to cancel - even if for no reason at all. This was dated February 5th.

Despite all my lab tests, I spent hours hunting for evidence that I had already canceled that contract. I found an agenda note in my Jan/3rd journal, I was going to call the company but nothing to confirm I'd been there.

I tossed and turned most of the night between Wed ->Thursday, mentally telling that company president that I did NOT have a contract with them! (Even threatening to ruin their name!)

On Sunday evening, after praying to calm my frantic, angry heart and mind, I wrote a polite but very firm, strong letter telling the president that I had canceled the first effort and this was a very bad thing for him to do.

A bit later I realized Monday was a holiday, so I edited it and tried to make it more polite - yet FIRM. I started my devotions this morning but got up, bundled into my boots & parka and drove over to arrive just after 9am when they opened.

God bless that black receptionist, Marion! She recognized me and worked hard to find the email that she had sent to the head office in Ontario that I'd definitely canceled that contract on January 4th, and she had emailed that document to them. We rejoiced together when she found it!

She promised to scan and email my letter to the President. I spent an hour there, but I came away calm and satisfied!


To Avoid Bad Financial Commitments

I would not be surprised if you have stories to tell of bad contracts you could not get out of. Have you got a sure-fire plan to avoid letting that happen again?

I'm not perfect by a long-shot, but I've learned to say that I do not buy or donate at the door. (Nor, for that matter when spammers phone or email with Fantastic Financial Deals).

(We might think they would hesitate with that in mind. Mind you, they believe suckers are born every minute, so they press on!)

My rule now is that I will do diligent research when I do want something - like a purchase, or a repair service - and I will contact the company with the best deal. But very often even then, I will wait a few days and pray for confirmation from the Lord. Good references from people I trust are something worth asking and looking for.

If we use computers, it is easier to do a search for any bad experiences others have had with a product or company. We can look for high recommendations too, but let's be careful and discrete, because some of those can be invented and written for a price even by the company owners - or ghost-writers.

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Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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