My Friends are my RoseBouquet

At My Place: A Wee Little Plant Sale

Saturday Plant Sale - Sept 9th

Yes, I had a wee little unadvertised plant sale on Saturday from my front yard.

Basically, I've been re-potting my aloe vera plants, and also starting a batch of Christmas Cactus slips. But that means I am also running out of space on the shelves in front of my windows. I needed to clear some of them out before I could continue this fall project.

Two young women walked by on their way to have breakfast out somewhere. One remembered buying plants from me before, and wanted me to reserve a big one for her. The other woman asked for one to be set aside for her as well. So I put them under the board/table.

Another woman was driving by on the other side of the street. She pulled over and called out of her window, to ask whether my plants were for sale, and how much. I said "Yes, $3 for the smaller ones," and she started to hunt through her purse for change. In a few minutes she came over to pick one out.

Other than that, I had some people stop by to chat, but no more sales.

Mostly I kept myself busy killing red ants that crawled up and started climbing into the pots.

After a while I went into the house and came out with a spray bottle of strong laundry spot remover, and spritzed them until they turned over and died.

I had planned that if the sales and interest slowed down in the afternoon, I would lower the price to 2 plants for $3, and the Christmas Cactus slips would stay at $1.

However, I got so weary of this unending battle with the red ants, that before 2 pm I decided to carry everything inside - being sure to inspect each pot for ants inside or out, so I would not get a huge infestation indoors.

When it was all done, I was so exhausted I curled up in the recliner for a nap.

I'm back to doing more re-potting and now plan to announce a front porch sale of plants like I did last year, but I hope to have most of of done by the end of this month. So instead of doing the usual weeding and watering of the garden in the early hours after supper, I'm just trying to get a good number of plants ready to sell before the night-time frosts happen.

I can't help it that if I start with one healthy little aloe vera plant in a pot in fall, by the next fall, it has had a host of baby aloe vera plants! If I put it into a bigger pot the plant really takes off itself and grows more than twice it's own size - plus it has a dozen or more babies!

Maybe...instead of saving them for injuries, I should start scratching the gel out of the thickest leaves and mix them in the blender with some juices or berries. That would make my health perfect!

If word got out - I would have people clamoring to buy my plants - even the babies!

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Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada