My Friends are my RoseBouquet

The Difference Water Makes

I've become quite busy with weeding and watering my garden and the front flowerbeds. Of course to do this regularly I've had to give up something else in my daily routines, and give it my full attention during those periods.

Last summer when we had so many HOT days, I learned to put off any gardening work until after supper when most of my garden is in the shade from the buildings and trees to the west. Again, I chose to go out after supper, when the dishes were done, and spend about an hour weeding one section per day, then watering until 8 pm or sometimes 8:30.

I out out the sprinkler attachment and screwed it onto my garden hose. Giving the 3 main parts of the backyard a 15 minute turn means it takes 45 minutes to water the whole garden, but once I have set it up I can go back inside and start on my evening's work at the computer. I just keep an eye on the clock and go out at the end of the first and 2nd 15 minute period to turn off the water at the tap and move the sprinkler closer to the back steps.

Last year I often ignored the front flowerbeds because it was a hassle to move the long hose to go around the house. This year I've decided to give the garden and the front yard alternate evenings for a good watering.

I have been amazed all over again at the great different that a good watering can do for the garden vegetables and flowers, and then also for the front yard flowerbeds and the lawn. Overnight the plants sprout flowers and the start of fruit or vegetables! Flowers that were slow in developing buds, suddenly are bursting with blooms!

Saturdays I spend extra time in weeding as the weeds thrive even more than the plants I want to grow and produce fruit/vegetables, or flowers.

My theory is that if I take the time to pull the weeds up by the roots, I will eventually have less of them to even start in the garden. (This theory may not hold water; but I'm trying!)

Oddly enough we often see a weather forecast that says there is a 30% chance of rain - like today. That often does NOT show up. So I don't hold my breath for that reprieve. But if it does come I have a long list of neglected housekeeping chores and some sewing projects I want to sneak in that I hope to do on a rainy day. IF that ever comes this summer!

But look: we are up to the 11th of July already! The days are zipping by! On Saturday this month will be half done, and August is always a quick month. In September it is time to clean up the garden, and get rid of the dead plants.

So my indoor projects may have to cool their heels until October. (Sigh!)

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Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada