My Friends are my RoseBouquet

Getting a Mechanical Keyboard Tomorrow

You may have guessed that I do a lot of typing on my computer keyboard. Yes, I've done some adding up in the last week or so, and realized that I am banging the keys on my keyboard for about 11-12 hours a day - most days.

Last week I decided that I am burning through these cheap $10 keyboard at the rate of one every 2 to 3 weeks. So I did some online research for more sturdy, durable keyboards that can handle a lot of pounding from my energetic fingers.

I should add that I have pried the sticky keys off with a file and found that there is just a bit of cotton or foam in the little pillars that hold up the key; with a lot of pounding, that stuff goes flat, and the key no longer bounces up in its place.

About a week ago the space bar on that keyboard got stuck so I couldn't make spaces between words. I found another keyboard close by (maybe it came free with something else?)

But in just a couple of days the back-space key was sticking. Sometimes it would work if I tapped it on the right side. Of course, it didn't take me long to pry it off and look under it. Hmm..? the post with the padding was to the right, and nothing under the left side. So I cut a strip of foam and tucked it under that space. It only worked for a little while.

Well, my research showed that the most durable keyboards are the mechanical ones that gamers insist on. Turns out that they have strong springs under each key. In fact, you can buy your keyboard with one of 3 types of keys, coded by the colours, blue, red and brown. The latter has a softer, quieter sound.

You can also change the backlit colours from a blue theme, or rainbow colours, etc. Or, you can turn that off,if you don't like it.

I researched the 5-10 models that have the highest marks, and narrowed down my interested-list to just 2 or 3 model names.

I dropped in on Walmart Sunday after the church kickoff lunch, hoping to get a feel for these keys, but their mechanical key- boards are only available via their website.

I had already picked out two at as a backup plan, and decided on my way home to go ahead and order the regular sized keyboard (some are only 60% of the full-size) for $50.

It is to arrive here tomorrow. So I won't rave about it just yet, but I do have hopes that, as indicated in descriptions, this keyboard will last me a good ten years!

Hey,if I were to buy a new $10 keyboard every month for ten years, I'd be spending $600 and living with frustrations on a constant basis! So this should be a good bargain.

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Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada