My Friends are my RoseBouquet

A Doctor Appointment at Last

The gardening question is not settled yet, and the new phone is not working yet, but another issue may reach some conclusion this very afternoon.

Back in early 2020, when COVID was just becoming a common word, my good Christian woman doctor retired, and turned her patient files over to another doctor.

However, when I asked for an appointment, she would only talk with me on the phone - no face-to-face time because of COVID fears. She sent me for some tests, like bone density, etc. and then called to say my bones were very porous. I should have these new injections that cost $400 each, but she thought she could persuade the gov't to pay that for me. (I forget if they were to be had every 2nd or 4th month). She didn't want to give me the name, saying I didn't need to research the injections, but finally she gave me the name: Prolia.

Immediately after the call I checked for it on Google. WOW! 10 side-effects, the top one being that my teeth were likely to fall out... and if I ever stopped taking the shots my bones would be worse and crumble! I decided to refuse those shots!

But that meant, in my mind, that I had to find a new doctor. They are especially hard to find here in this province!

I've tried different time, and most clinics have across the top of their websites, "We are NOT taking new Patients!"

At my last appointment with my good Dr. Kayla, my chiropractor, I told her about some new symptoms I was having and how they reminded me of problems my mom had. She urged me to get some blood work done, suggesting I try some walk-in clinic.

That's another boring chapter in my saga, so I'll skip that.

But I did learn that walk-in-clinics don't do lab tests, but if I sit and wait an hour or so a doctor may see me for a few minutes and fill out a Requisition form for me to take to a lab.

I decided this past weekend that I must deal with this, and I prayed hard. Then some more hard praying yesterday, deciding at last that rather than fearing running into the doctor who was promoting Prolia, I would risk that by going to their walk-in-clinic. Their website said to phone first to see if their hours had changed. So I did.

The receptionist said there was an opening at 3 pm if I would like a doctor to call me. (Whew! Are they still phobic about COVID?) I agreed. Dr. Watts could call me. Well,he called at nearly 4 pm. When I described my symptoms and concerns, he said it would be better if I came in tomorrow - like today!

Yes, I finally have a doctor appointment for this afternoon at 3 pm. Hopefully I can have the lab work done quite soon. But, as I recall with blood work it is usually done early in the morning before you eat anything. (In a fasting state).

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Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada