My Friends are my RoseBouquet

Income Tax Time Troubles

Did you get your Income Tax forms off on time? Was it difficult? Or do you pay someone else to do it for you?

I had a rough time the last 4-5 days with mine. I do not pretend to be great with numbers, but I've done my own income tax every spring since the year after I finished high school and had my first year as a telephone operator at Sasktel.

(Oops, there was the year that I moved back to Hague to care for my parents and I was afraid I wouldn't know how to get a rebate for my moving expenses. So I had H&R Block do my income tax and it cost me more than I could afford.)

So, despite being somewhat dyslexic with numbers, poverty forces me to do this work slowly, carefully, checking my math 3 or more times, for every number I have to put down, I've done it myself all these years.

Friday evening is my bookkeeping night, and after checking my accounts, paying some bills, etc., I spend some time starting January to check and filling a chart with the numbers I'll need to fill out the forms as honestly and accurately as I can.

I had my numbers ready, so I thought I'd get the forms filled out between Friday and Saturday evening this past weekend.

However, on Thursday I had problems with some programs not opening on my computer. I found other browsers and ways around this, but it got more and more frustrating. But midnight I had decided that I should probably download and install the newest version of my linux system, (Leap 15.4) But... I know it is always wise to back up all the files I have created/edited since my last backup, which ...(gasp!) was several years ago! I resolved that I would do that first on Friday morning.

Yikkes! That went all day, all evening, and through the night. I had to wait for it on Saturday morning to finish up at last. Meantime I was researching the newest version LEAP 15.5. It has only taken mere minutes in the past but the largest file took about 12 hours, for 4 GB of data!!

Then my program that should burn this to a DVD (or USB device if I had one with 4 GB of space) would not open! I was stuck!

Now I won't bore you with all the creative strategies I came up with to get around this, which included bringing my old laptop to life, and transferring some files to Tom's Windows computer that I use for a huge genealogy database that ONLY works on Windows, and my favourite which I listen to all day long.

Once all my self-created files were safely on a backup drive I decided to see if installing the system I already have all over again would solve the problems with programs not opening. I tried an upgrade first, which did not help, it was Sunday evening before I resigned myself to printing out the forms from the Windows computer, and filling in the blanks by hand instead of keying them via computer into the forms.

About midnight I realized that though I got some pages done I'd have to continue on Monday. (Yes, yesterday!) I thought if I could dash off to the Post Office in Shoppers which is open evenings until 9pm, I would make the May 1st deadline!

But then, rustling sheets from this pile to that pile I got confused and ended up making mistakes. I had to go more slow and deliberately - and I ended up doing all the pages over yet another time!

About midnight it appeared I should be getting a rebate of over $5500!!

That hasn't happened in ages! I paused and decided that I'd rather not do it all over again. I double-checked that all the pages were accounted for, and that I had my photocopies - and I shut down the computers for the night.

This morning I raced off to the post office, and got there before it opened in the Shoppers Drugs. I slapped 3 stamps on the envelop and - at the last minute saw that I needed to write in my return address, which I did by hand, then shoved it into the slot.

I'm sorry for unloading all this on you, but it's all I can still think about this morning. I hope you can imagine just how greatly relieved I am now though.

And... I'm resolving NOT to let this happen again!

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Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada