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You Ought'a Have an Aunt

© Ruth Marlene Friesen

Dr. James Dobson shared on Focus on the Family, (some years ago) about his book, "Bringing Up Boys." There is a chapter about the important role that grandparents play in the lives of young children. Especially in spiritual matters. I think that is very true.

But I've long maintained that everyone ought to have at least one good Auntie in their lives as well. Or an especially favourite Uncle who is a great role model. Yes, I'm talking role models here. We all need a mature adult to look up to, turn to for advice and sympathy when all others seem to be against us, and to praise us and believe our dreams are worthy.

Did you have such an aunt or an uncle in your life?

See! I knew you'd name that person instantly!

Now, here's a harder question; are you being a good aunt or uncle to your nieces and nephews? Do you take time to give them words of encouragement, and notice their achievements?

I've no trouble getting along with my aunts, but one does stand out because I went to live with her a while when I first went east to seek my fortune.

Her acceptance and showing me around, helped me adjust and become an independent adult in a far away city from home. I had a car but she knew her way around, so we went exploring and sightseeing, with Aunt Jean riding navigator for me. She introduced me to her friends. Soon they were my friends too. And I'll always credit her for teaching me how to behave in public and in fine restaurants.

My favourite uncle was my mother's youngest sibling. He was taking high school by correspondence in the village when I was starting public school. I loved to hang on his arms and ask questions. He was always so gentlemanly and spoke respectfully to me, as if I were not a bother at all. It was usually my mother or grandmother that pulled me away to give him some peace.

He is still a fine gentlemen, although he married, and with his wife had five sons, who have grown up and are all married now, and have founded fine godly homes.

In many ways, I believe this Uncle Henry (I have more than one by that name) has set a sub-conscious standard for what a true gentleman must be like, and I just have no taste for romance with any one of lesser quality.

Okay, you might point out, as did others when I was in my teens, that such high standards will narrow my chances of ever marrying. So be it. He's proved that excellence is worthwhile.

Let's go back to Aunties. Because I was so blessed, I've made an effort to BE a good aunt myself, and the things that Dr. Dobson wrote applied to grandparents about their impact, if they've had lots of influential contacts with their grandchildren - seems to work out for aunts and uncles too.

The niece and nephew that I babysat the most, and had bedtime chats with, about God, and how we fit into His world are still loyal and loving towards me, and they still keep in touch. asking advice sometimes. The ones that lived further away and I had less contact with, have quite a different relationship with me. The attachment is not there.

Now I'm wishing I'd made a greater effort. I really have taken my influence too lightly.

So, how are you doing in your opportunities to be a good Auntie, or Uncle? Or grandparent, for that matter. Please don't waste them!

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Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada