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Illustrating the Resurrection (a quiz)

© Ruth Marlene Friesen

The resurrection of Jesus Christ on that first Easter morning was such a WOW! event that people sometimes have a hard time comprehending what it means. However, there are illustrations in nature and history - that act as simple symbols to help us get it.

Let's do this as a series of quiz questions, or riddles to see if you can spot these allegories of Christ rising to new eternal life after three days in the grave.

Some of these should not be analyzed too deeply, for there is only a surface comparison. The point is that this concept was not a new idea to God. It was pre-meditated!

1. What ovid object is perfectly sealed, without doorway or seams, until the right day, when a new life bursts forth, perhaps like Jesus burst out of the sealed tomb?

2. What shining orb disappears into darkness for a time, then breaks out again with great joy and gladness at its appointed times to give life and energy and food to all who receive it? (Hint: in the Psalms it's compared to a bridegroom coming out of his tent to get married, but don't let that lead you astray).

3. There is a colony of small creatures, whose leader is larger and more gifted than the rest. This head gets richer foods than the others, but it procreates new colony members too. There is a point where this leader lays down its life for the whole colony. What is it?

4. Jewish people have an annual holiday supper, where right on the table some bread is hidden in a fabric pocket. Toward the end of the meal this bread is 'found' and broken and distributed to all. What is that meal called?

5. Jesus Himself told His followers that a certain man from their history, who spent three days in the belly of a huge fish, was a foreshadowing of what would come to pass for Him. After his sub-marine ride, this man thundered, "Repent!" in the streets of a pagan city. 100% repented. Who was he?

6. Followers of Jesus, who want to be identified with Him publicly, announce this by a special rite they go through. Jesus did it Himself. It represents their spiritual death and new life in Christ, which can happen privately; this rite is merely the public illustration and only takes seconds to complete. What is it?

[Answers are way-wa-y down at the bottom of this page]

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Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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©2001-2022 Ruth Marlene Friesen
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Illustrating Resurrection Quiz answers;
1. egg, 2. sunrise, 3. queen bee, 4. Passover, 5. Jonah, 6. Christian baptism.