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You've Got'a Have a Swimsuit!

On Friday I had a call from my sister Elsie in Kelowna. Ernie & Dori were visiting her, and discussing me. I had mentioned (to Dori, I think) that I had not had a bathing suit since I left London, Ontario, some 40 years ago. (Maybe even longer as I do not recall taking any Pioneer Girls to the Lake Erie beach for the last few years I was there).

Well, Elsie phoned the Spa in Moose Jaw and confirmed that you cannot enter the spa without a bathing suit. She volunteered to go buy one for me as a birthday gift, and wanted my size. That created quite a discussion, as I've shrunk considerably in the last few years.

Later, she phoned to say she had not been able to decide on one for me, but I should go look for one myself - trying it on if at all possible.

I agreed, but would start at Mission Thrift store where I had another reason to go on Saturday.

Which I did. It turned out that they had some sales on swim- wear, and I ended up with two two-piece swim suits, and a pair of jean shorts, and a remnant piece of tapestry which I think will make two lovely book bags... all for $20 plus tax. Now I'll have the problem of deciding which to wear first, all so I can dangle my legs over the edge of the pool while I visit with Dori & Ernie. (Note: I cannot swim!)


The Value of List-Making

You may already have discovered this, but when you are about to go on a trip, or a move, or any big new venture, it is always wise to start making lists well in advance. If you leave the details to the last minutes, you are bound to forget something.

Starting with a list a few days or even weeks ahead - if you have that much advance notice, is helpful in that if something else occurs to you, there is still time to put it on the list.

Checking things off as you work your way through your list helps you to feel like you are making progress, instead of clutching your head and moaning that you are not going to be ready in time.

If necessary or possible, discuss your list with some aware of your situation, for that other person may be thinking clearly on some areas that has not even entered your mind yet.

As you near the deadline, when you cannot turn back and start over, you should begin to feel confident and glad that you did think of everything you needed to take along, or get done by that deadline.

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Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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