My Friends are my RoseBouquet
(What WAS The RoseBouquet (blog) has now moved HERE - Part of the Static Site)

What? No Takers for the Free eBook Offer?

Well, perhaps you are all much too busy as well. So...what if I leave this offer up for another week?

It also saves me coming up with a new article here, when my back is begging me to go back to the recliner and the heating pad.

I've finished formatting one eBook that I started writing five years ago, and have been proof-reading, and re-formatting a number of times this summer, and it is ready now to go on sale. This will be the first eBook that I offer to YOU, subscribers to the RoseBouquet!

It is my devotional study of the book of Matthew, in the New Testament, especially the words of Jesus, and I sought what I could learn to apply in my life. In the end I realized that the theme was simply, "Jesus is - My King." So that is the title.

It has 161 pages and each page is an easy-to-read devotional thoughts as I considered and responded to what I learned from Jesus' own words. I used to use such books written by others, then I got to the place where I thought I should be more original and write my own. I have drafted up a number of such devotional books, but they need to be polished up and formatted in an attractive way. So they won't all be available at once.

Now: How can you get this eBook into your hands?

I've put it into a password guarded folder on my website. (If I gave you the link here hackers would be able find it in the online edition of the RoseBouquet and they would have a hay-day throwing their hacking software at it in an effort to discover the password.

So to get this free PDF ebook, which of course, you can right- click on the file name, and hit "save as" and presto it is downloaded to your computer or electronic device... FIRST, you must email me and ASK for the link and the password. I will respond in a private email with that info.

If you should have any problems getting it, do let me know and I'll walk you through the steps very slowly.

I want to ask you one favour. IF you want others to read this ebook as well, do not pass on the file, or the link/password. Instead, send them to my subscribe link and tell them they must subscribe to the RoseBouquet. Then they may request it.

Do you see the 3 links between the two lines right under this article? The last/or third link is the one to give them so that they may subscribe.

You may need to remind them that to complete the process they will need to click a confirmation link in an email that will arrive very shortly after they hit the Subscribe button. They are not subscribers until they confirm that they made the request and I have the 'correct' email for them. This also prevents others from subscribing others as a joke or to make them angry. Because - naturally, they would not confirm the subscription, if they had NOT asked for it.

Oh, and I'm not going to insist on a friendly review when you have read the book, but I will be grateful for such comments, as I can then quote them in my Sales page for that book!


Aloe Vera Plant Care

My simple plant care plan - how to care for your aloe vera as house plants is very simple and can fit into the busiest lifestyle. By my easy maintenance rules I could water 75 pots in half an hour one morning a week! It should work for you too.

1. Pick a day of the week - (I use Saturday when I start my house work) - and water all your aloe vera plants. Give each plant a dash of water great enough to soak through the soil in the pot. One or two cups full would do for the average potted aloe vera's plant care. You can water even less.

2. Use the same time to quickly pick out any dead steams or broken pieces.

3. If there are babies - little shoots of new plants coming up - prepare a new pot for them when they reach a height of about 5 to 6 inches or more.

Propagation like this need only happen once or twice a year. The aloe vera is not going to complain if you let the pot fill up with these babies. But you will get more and larger plants if you remove and replant them.

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Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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