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Telephone Riddles (Problems?)

I must have mentioned before the trial of having untold numbers of spam phone calls. What a trial they are!

So I was surprised when I found a phone on Amazon that had a big red button. All to do when a spam/robo call came was press that button, and presto, they would not get through to me again! BLOCKED!

The phone can hold up to 1000 such numbers!

It only took a day or so to think it over and I ordered that new phone. Ah, but the manuals to study! How to get the base phone and the two cordless handheld phones set up with the right batteries, and now... it appears, a warning message keeps saying, "Check tel line."

I gave most of my morning yesterday to try to solve that riddle. Nothing in the manual or on the internet was helpful. So I had to set up my old phone again, and then wait a number of hours until the batteries charged up again.

It says I need to plug it in to the main entrance of the phone line into the building. That means pulling a big heavy desk away from the wall,... I'm tempted to let it wait until someone drops in who is strong enough to help with that.

But then I'll need to clear a space there for the main base phone (assuming that works).

(Sigh!) Another problem to place into JESUS' hands!


Watch How a Child Deals with a Problem

number of times last week. It just came to me again!

Have you ever watched how a toddler or young child deals with a toy that seems to be stuck or has some problem?

They make a bee-line to the father-figure (or mother-figure) and lay the not-working toy into their lap. Even if they cannot speak yet, the implication is clear - "Here, You fix it!"

Did you know that we can do the same with our problems? We go to our Heavenly Father, or our Elder Brother, Jesus, and lay the big problem into either of their laps, and say to the best of our ability, "Here. You fix it."

What are the chances that they will be happy to oblige?

Very high!

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Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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