My Friends are my RoseBouquet
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Taste Experiments

Last week a friend brought me some new foods to experience.

One was tissue paper thin, but crinkled small rectangles of seaweed. They don't look like anything special but have both a salty and an oily taste.

The other item was a Custard Apple.

No, it doesn't look like an apple at all. Sort of round at one end, and more pointed at the other end, with a thick green/brown scaly skin, but when that thick skin has some 'give' to it when you try to squeeze it, it is suppose to ripe enough to cut apart.

Inside is a white flesh, almost the colour of an apple, but not quite the same texture. It has big black seeds in it.

I admit I was rather cautious at first, but I finished the rest of it this morning. (Too late to take a photo now.)

Neither are foods I would deliberately seek out for myself. But I guess tasting some international foods that didn't cost me anything is not so bad by itself.

Do you try out new foods, or do you make a face and wave them away?

Have you had something new you would gladly eat again?


Trouble Starting Your Prayer Time?

Recently I found a list of Bible verses that describe how BIG or Great God is. I typed them up and printed them on card stock and filed them in an open envelope.

Now when I'm ready to get going on my devotional time but am not sure where to start, I read one or two of these cards and think about the description of Big/Great God is.

Almost immediately I want to thank and praise Him for being those things to me. I think of examples where I've seen Him be or do that for me just recently.

Then I'm off in positive, worshipful praise and thanksgiving to God. My mood is set for praying through my to-do lists and my lists of friends and relatives I want to pray for as well.

Praise is a good way to get off to an enthusiastic Start!

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Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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