I've been trying to convince myself that the worst of the extra busyness with the cars is over; I worked at advertising Black Beauty last week, and now am almost able to say I'm back to my normal routine, except that I have to be ready to jump up if anyone comes to the door and asks to see the inside of Black Beauty and maybe take her for a test drive.
I've posted a description and some photos on Kijij, but so far
no bites from there.
Ike, this good friend from church phoned me last week on Wed. morning to say that his favourite mechanic, Reuben, would sure appreciate some photos and details about Black Beauty. He has a bulletin board at his shop where they could be posted. He often has customers who are quite frustrated with troubles in their current car and are glad to hear of a better one.
Realizing the value of a referral over an ad in finding buyers I quickly prepared a multi-page poster with photos and details about Black Beauty. (Since Ike didn't have an email address for Reuben, I decided to drive Black Beauty to his shop address so he could see it for himself.
Reuben is a fine gentleman, graciously accepted my poster/info and did a walk around the car. He agreed to see who would need such a car.
I took it to the car wash again on the way home, as it had picked up a layer of dust being parked on the street.
My cousin Gary came by on Saturday and showed interest in my car for sale. It turns out that his grandsons have grown up and several married and have young children. Apparently they need bigger cars. So far... they have not showed up here.
My biggest pumpkin weighed almost 11 pounds! I'd already cut my next biggest one, but it was so large and thick skinned that my big knife got stuck and I had to use a hammer to take off the ends. I baked that in the oven.
Saturday when Gary came by I asked if he would cut this monster pumpkin for me, as I didn't think I could wrestle with it.
Gary obliged and cut it in half and also took the top end with the stem off.
I've cleaned out the seeds and put them on a cookie sheet to dry.
Yesterday I cut the top half down a bit to fit into my crockpot and sprinkled some brown sugar inside, and laid some onion slices underneath to keep it from burning. Then I added water to the pot and also inside the pumpkin half.
I left it to simmer all day. About supper time it was all soft pulp and could easily be spooned out into a 2 cup measuring cup which I then transferred to a yogurt tub. (Most pie recipes, etc. call for 2 cups of the cooked or roasted pulp). I ended up with two tall containers and one that held only 1 cup of pulp.
This amount is enough for a number of recipes. I'll slow-cook the bottom half tomorrow likely, but I have 3 smaller ones yet).
While deciding what recipes to try first, it occurred to me I should google just what nutritional benefits pumpkin pulp has.
Whoa! Here are just 3 quotes:
"Pumpkin, cooked contains 2.1 g of saturated fat and 5 mg of cholesterol per serving. 250 g of Pumpkin, cooked contains 1082.50 mcg vitamin A, 20.0 mg vitamin C, as well as 2.10 mg of iron, 55.00 mg of calcium, 885 mg of potassium."
"Pumpkin is a weight-loss friendly food because you can consume more of it than other carb sources — such as rice and potatoes — but still take in fewer calories. What's more, pumpkin is a good source of fiber, which can help curb your appetite."
" Pumpkin is rich in fiber and contains prebiotics, which can help improve digestive system health and bowel movement. It may help relieve constipation and diarrhea in some people." I'm going to enjoy my pumpkin meals!![Back to Archives Index ] ~~ [Back to Main RoseBouquet Page]