My Friends are my RoseBouquet
(What WAS The RoseBouquet (blog) has now moved HERE - Part of the Static Site)

My 2024 Agenda

So how much has my daily/weekly agenda changed for 2024?

Well, not a great deal. I still feel that the LORD wants me to work at the three main assignments we settled on last year.

1. To transcribe my journals from the years I was a caregiver for my parents and my beloved Gr'ma. That's where all the facts are hiding, but it is hard to do a global search on handwritten notes; they need to be on the computer. My morning assignment.

2. To proof-read, edit and design a good layout for the ebooks I've written over the years and also to prepare some more. Then to add them to my Bouquet's Books online shop, to sell so I can have more funds for giving to missions. That's my afternoon assignment.

Although I've accepted that I will do better work all through the day, if I also include a one-hour nap. A concession to my age.

3. To keep my promise to Tom to sell his Diecast models so his two daughters can get an inheritance. I have already learned a great deal about eCommerce sites since 2019, and have just about 200 models ready for sale. (..out of what I think will be about 2000 by the time I'm done!)

However, I've become much aware that one major skill I need to learn yet is good marketing. So that is to become my main work on Thursday evenings and some Saturday nights, once I've cleared up some smaller short-term projects.

As I was checking last night to see where I'd left off, I saw that a number of pages still need the weights & measurements of the models, so that will have to come before I work through two more pizza boxes full of small farm machinery and construction machinery.

The man who bought so many of my plants in September came around last night eager to buy some farm machinery "toys" like he had as a kid. (Sigh!) I have carefully packed them into big bins according to inventory/category lists. I could NOT see myself unpacking and spreading these out for him to see, and since I don't have the prices memorized I'd have to look them up on my website to see which were $5 or less, and then packing them up again! I said he would have to wait.

When I get into marketing I may prepare some print-out sheets with the lowest priced models available and these can be given to those (like this man) who do NOT know how to look things up online. But I insisted that was not going to happen overnight!

I showed him some photos on my desktop monitor, which whetted his appetite.

Today I have a bit of a mood about people who can't understand that several years worth of detailed research, photography, writing up descriptions and putting up pages with "Buy Now" buttons can't be made to appear like a banquet on a table when an older woman with a back injury snaps her fingers!


In Case YOU Have Pumpkins Seeds Left Over

Like I do... Yes, I have two more pumpkins in a box under the kitchen table. Right now there is room in the fridge for more food or to store these pumpkins.

But I found a helpful YouTube video before Christmas - which you may enjoy as well. It shows all the wonderful things you can make out of pumpkin seeds that are wonderfully good for you and your family.

(In fact, if you would really like a smaller pumpkin or two, or some butternut squash, just drop by and I'll be happy to share with you!)

If not, they don't go bad easily, so I'll get to them when my back improves, and there is room again in the fridge.

Here's the link: (Healthy Pumpkin Seeds - What They Can Do for You!!).

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Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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