My Friends are my RoseBouquet
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What's New: Learning to Backup Your Files

I THOUGHT I knew all about backing up my computer files. Hmm! There is always more to learn. I used to do it on DVDs, then that became passe. For several years now I have used external hard drives that are a bit bigger than my palm and are plugged into the USB port with a short cable.

The problem is remembering to back up regularly! Before a crisis hits!

I have 6 of those external drives, and most of them are full, or almost full. I need to browse through them and see how much I could delete as not likely to ever need.

(But what if I do not guess correctly on that question?)

So I've just done some SEEKING for answers and found a Youtube video with good common sense advice. I think I will do some further checking and try out one of the man's ideas, ie. FBackup (free) and Carbonite ($5/mo.)

But I suspect the best advice is to make it a midnight shut-down chore to back up my Documents and Websites. Perhaps another folder, like when I create artwork (not so often.)

It really only takes a couple of minutes once you have decided which folders to backup and you may overwrite old backups.

If anyone offers you a gift of a brand new external drive of say, 5 TiB, say a gleeful "Thank YOU!"

If you want to watch that video too, go here;


Time for Hand-Made Christmas Gifts

No doubt you have heard of the Canada-wide postal strike. A positive slant occurred to me this morning. I have often made my gifts to give away, although in recent years I gave up for lack of time.

Now it has occurred to me that the postal strike give me more time to get my batch of gifts made. Most are to go out by post, so they won't likely get started until some time in January.

So let's look at it this way. We have time now until the big day, Christmas to come up with our hand-made ideas, and to gather supplies. Over the holidays we can make our gifts and then send them out when the postal strike is over. How surprised and pleased our relatives and friends will be then!

In the meantime we can send friendly, cheerful emails or phone them for a cheerful chat. If you like you can hint your gift will arrive after the postal strike, but be care- ful about how many clues you drop. (That's if secrecy is important in that particular case.)

Note however, that if you tell one person and that one is on the phone with any of the others, the clues will be figured out and your surprise will loose some ...Air!

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Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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