My Friends are my RoseBouquet
(What WAS The RoseBouquet (blog) has now moved HERE - Part of the Static Site)


You will probably identify with this general principle; when you have your work-day or week all planned, and need to be on your toes to make it through all those agendas - that is when interruptions leap on you like bandits! Right?

Now my interruptions last week were mostly of the nature of computer and internet crises that involve the websites isn my care. You probably don't care to hear the details about those, so I'll spare you.

But sometimes these interruptions come from well-meaning friends who have favours to ask, or just need to vent their emotions.

Or... suddenly we remember that we promised - or intended to do this or that for someone else. That has to happen suddenly to meet a deadline!

Sometimes, like right now! A city crew pulls up in front of my door with a big white truck with a hydroylic lift, and they seem to be putting up a new power pole to replace one that they studied yesterday. This doesn't call for me to do anything in particular, but curiosity gets the better of me, and I can't help but get up a number of times to stare and watch them.

Oh, now another truck with a load of gravel has backed up and the men are shovelling the gravel around the base of the newly planted pole. And whoa! That pole is so tall I can't see the top from inside here!

Also, the trees are covered in hoarfrost, and I'm tempted to dash out to take some photos, but I'm forcing myself to wait until the sun comes out, as then the hoarfrost will really sparkle!


Take Your Computer System Along on a USB Stick

I heard of this some years ago, an thought "I must remember this if/when I ever get to travel a lot." But recently, in trying to help my youngest sister with a computer problem, I was doing some research and discovered that this is now quite common.

It is possible now to download a Linux computer system, install it on a USB stick, and then to insert it into any computer, boot up, and never touch the host system on the hard drive. You can keep all your work, and internet contacts, emailing, whatever, either on the USB stick or on your online accounts, ie. in a cloud.

When finished, you exit from the USB system, pull it out of the host computer, and walk away. If you temporarily borrowed some time on a relative or friend's computer, they will find no evidence that you were ever there! You didn't use their system, just the electronic connection to the internet and the use of their monitor to see what you were doing.

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P.S. Due to relentless efforts to hack into the blog, I have deleted it and move my weekly posts to this Department on my novel's site, which is all about my Friends being my Roses or RoseBouquet, and has been from the beginning, in 2001.
Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada