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Checking Things Off is Fun!

students (the class is halted for the summer months), emailed me yesterday to tell me that she has this week off from her job in a day-care. She wondered if she could come help me out.

I've made myself five lists (by categories) of things I would like to squeeze into slots between my regular daily agendas.

Do you know how much fun it to check things off on a list? You can see more easily that you are definitely making some progress.

There are bigger projects on these lists, but being able to check off the smaller ones does give me the sense that I'm making progress.

Of course, it is important to keep those lists handy so that I don't somehow forget that I should keep checking them for the next "little project" or that I've in fact finished one or two today already.

Not everyone appreciates the idea of making lists and checking items off when done, but I do recommend it. If you have never tried it, you may be in for a good surprise.


Seven Fruits that Prevent Cancer

I saw that heading under a Youtube video last week and checked it out. I have already made a habit of eating an apple every morning, and was pleased to see it at the top of the list of seven fruits.

Now I want to start adding more of the others too. Maybe not daily, but more often.

7 Fruits that Prevent Cancer:

I can't say I'm terribly excited about avocado...

I just did a search, and find that others have different fruits and vegetables on their lists. So if you keep looking, you might find exactly a list of your own favourites.

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Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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