I don't like to brag on my prayer-life, but it has become even MORE exciting to me in the last few months.
One thing I did was to make a list of about 4 GREAT GIFTS God has given us, and I review them every morning. Why?
Because I'm afraid I'll stop thinking of them and forget that He has given them to me. This exercise is to remind me to say a suitable BIG thanks and Praise God for these gifts.
I made myself a poster to review every morning. I showed this to a friend a few weeks ago, and he immediately wanted a copy.
So... I'll condense them here for you, in case you want to do this too. It gives my faith in God a tremendous Boost!
Oh LORD GOD, I praise and worship YOU and thank YOU heartily for these tremendous and marvelous GIFTS YOU have GIVEN to me!
1.Your total forgiveness of my sins - SALVATION FOREVERMORE!
2.You, dear JESUS, died on the cross as the pure LAMB OF GOD, for the sins of all who will believe and receive it; and YOU gave us/me YOUR RIGHTEOUSNESS in place of my sins. What an exchange!
3. Father-God, YOU resurrected me together with YOUR SON, JESUS, to have ETERNAL LIFE TOO! That's a full/complete ADOPTION INTO YOUR FAMILY! It's spiritual now, but will be physical for eternity too!
4.This makes me a member of the CHURCH, THE BODY OF CHRIST HERE ON EARTH! So YOU are ABIDING IN ME AS WELL! (Wow!) This comes with the filling of YOUR HOLY SPIRIT to help us/me to DISCERN AND TO DO YOUR WILL even here on earth. (Again, WOW! Amazing! & totally WONDERFUL!!)
So, now I eagerly ask; what's YOUR will and plan for me today!?
My favourite Aunt, Jean, called last week from Ontario, and we had a wonderful phone visit for an hour! (She's a storyteller too; it run in our family!)
The big story she told was of finding her car not working well. She manage to drive/limp it over to her favourite service center, and the mechanic came to her in the waiting room to tell that she had mice under the hood!
(I've had mice in this house too, since I moved in here in 2007. Not a fun plague!) Well, the mechanic told her what to do. Mice hate cloves. Those brown longish beads with a cap at one end. They are an herb actually, for cooking. He suggested that she get a small mesh bag, put a handful of cloves into it and attach it somewhere under her hood to keep the mice from chewing cables, etc.
I checked my cupboard and found some old cloves - very old, and sticky/gummy. I scattered some where I have caught mice in my sticky traps, but I went to buy more in the Bulk Barn and am now spreading them generously all through my house.
Hopefully I won't have to carry all the dead ones out any more for the garbage bin. But where they will drop in their tracks - and die - I don't know. Maybe they will just move to my neigbhours?
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