Last week was a busy one for me in a swirl of emails between me and three men, all sort of connected to the same ministry, providing free Bible study booklets to download in several languages.
I was introduced to L... several years after I'd built the first two sites. He wanted one that would have matching English & Spanish pages. He even paid me to build that site.
Then L... got involved in some other ministries in a different country, and so his site stood silent but still able to minister to those who came looking for his Spanish booklets. He began to ignore the first site, and I figured it was not my place to nag him about it. But I did go check the STATS for the visitors coming to that site once a month, just as I do for all the sites in my care.
At the beginning of this month, when I was about to login and check his STATS, I saw that his domain name had expired, and he had failed to renew it. Oh-oh! (It costs a lot more to redeem a site let slip away, than to renew it.)
I tried emailing him but no reply. I was used to using an email from his website, of course that no longer existed! So I tried another email.
D... from a related site emailed me; I mentioned this to him. He wrote to L... and got a reply and gave me L..'s email again. It was the same one I had used, but it was only after D.. told him I was trying to reach him, that L... checked his spam folder. Ah, my emails!
A flurry of emails between us and C... who is in charge of the related site in the USA, as we discussed what to do.
I'll leave out the details, but the up-shot over about 3 busy days of emails was that they all liked my suggestions.
L... redeemed his site, got it back up, and asked me to do the suggestions I had made.
I see this as an important victory; of course, now I need to work in another project into my busy agenda. Hopefully I'll have most of it done by the end of this week. The site is up, but still the old classic format. Whereas I'd explained that Google threatens not to send visitors to sites that are not Responsive. That is not so hard once I've designed the new templates.
Meantime, L.. is going to check for updates to add to the pages. Plus, he has a few new ministries he's aware of, to profile on his site.
P.S. "Responsive" means the webpages re-shape themselves to fit nicely on the screen of the device used to visit the site. It narrows and shrinks for a phone, widens for tablet or laptop, and goes full width for a big desktop monitor.
If you do not know this, it is because you are not expected to notice it, unless you visit the same site from different devices.
I mentioned my tailbone troubles last week. I am feeling much, much better this week; it occurs to me that you might need this tip if this should ever happen to you.
My donut cushion proved not so comfortable as I first had thought. So I tried a number of other ideas as fast as they came to me.
The one that works best now is to use a soft pillow under my thighs, so that my tailbone hangs over the far back- but not on the pillow. It does not mind being a loner like that.
(What it does not like is to be crowded into spaces where it is too close to a chair seat, back, or even parts of your body.)
Think of how a cat or dog likes to give it's tail a chance to wave freely in the air. Our tailbone is not a real tail, but it seems to like extra free space around it too.
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