My Friends are my RoseBouquet
(What WAS The RoseBouquet (blog) has now moved HERE - Part of the Static Site)

What's New: A Fresh Look at My Passions

A couple of decades ago, when I was working at Western Tract Mission (WTM), our Director, Arnold Stobbe, wrote up his own testimony and asked me to put it on the website. Then he urged all of the staff to do the same.

I was the only one to do so. It also came out to about 9 short chapters, like Arnold's, and I also decided to make it a free downloadable booklet for my novel's site.

That WTM site's domain is now a re-direct to the new ministry's website, so all that stuff I put on it (over 1000 pages worth) is gone. But I still have my booklet.

Only when I looked at it the other week meaning to give a copy to a friend, I realized that it needed some serious updating!

It is sort of my late Sunday evening project, and each time I work on it I can think of things that have happened since 2019 when I'd last updated it, and so it is growing! I wonder if it may be 40 pages by the time I'm done now.

I'm feeling more and more excited about it, and hope I can get it to spread around - for which my Bouquet's Books (eShop) on my novel's site, may help.

I'll tip you off when it is done, but that may take a few Sunday evenings yet.


Too Hot to Work in Your Garden?

I know. For me too. But this is the 2nd or 3rd summer that I've taken to doing my weeding and watering of the garden in the evening... of late between 8 and 9 pm. There is still daylight but no sun beating down, and the air has a cooler breeze. I now treat this as my best time of day to cool off, and relax - yes, even while physically pulling up buckets of weeds!

My mind seems to clear too, and though I may pant a bit when I go back inside, I am feeling refreshed and cheerful and hopeful again.

I did skip 3 days about 2 weeks ago, and also didn't water that night. My first zucchini were about the size of my thumb but had turned black from thirst. So now I try to be more faithful.

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Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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