My Friends are my RoseBouquet

Surprised by BIG Insights!

Has God ever surprised you with BIG insights, and caught you off-guard when you were least ready for them?

I 'think' that's what happened to me last week. (In fact, I'm not sure I should be blurting this out yet; so I may sound a bit mysterious.)

You may recall that I'd planned for a Prayer & Planning week - maybe two weeks, including the few days into the new year. However, I came down with a flu bug and a very exhausting cough, so my plans petered out...

However, one day last week, I sat down after doing the dishes, and decided to rest while I listened to the 6 o'clock news.

I heard the news in my ears, but in my head and heart I heard the Lord say quietly to me. "Do you want to know why all your to-do and priority lists are not working out for you?" I jerked my head in surprise, but then quietly muttered in my mind, "Okay, why?"

Quietly, the Spirit said, "You've taken on more than you can handle." Instantly I knew that to be true. But how could I get out of commitments, because certain friends assumed I would always drop everything else for them.

Since then this has become an on-going conversation with the LORD and me. At first I asked that HE convince them to find themselves a new free webmaster. That way I'd know that He was in this.

Today I'm wondering if I have to confront them and say I cannot keep up dropping my God-given assignments to do the favours they ask. So... this matter is not totally resolved yet, but I have admitted to God that He has a valid point.

I do know what assignments the LORD has given me, but I have a problem with saying "no" when someone else needs me. Even if 3-4 weeks pass and those first assignments do not get a minute from me.

So this matter is not cleared up yet, but I have a sense of where it is going. Maybe I'll have more news next week.

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Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada