My Friends are my RoseBouquet

Sunshine After the Storm

After a week or two of spring-like weather we had a winter storm stir up on Sunday evening, and it roared across our province yesterday, with at least a foot deep of fresh snow, and double-digit temperatures in the minus zone, going down to -40 C in the northern parts of Saskatchewan! The radio stations warned of strong winds too; people were encouraged to stay home if at all possible.

But this morning the sun is shining brightly - almost as if laughing at us. It is still -25C outside my house, so I'm quite happy that I don't have any appointments to go anywhere this week. I can stay inside and get things done.

In fact, I'm rejoicing that I feel much better than I had for several weeks and have quite a cheerful mood.

Now, I can chalk that up to several possible answers. I have good friends praying for me, I've got those medical tests all behind me. I hope.

My new doctor said he would be away last week for vacation, so he could call any time this week with the results of my tests, but I have no aches or pains these days, my appetite has picked up, and I feel like I have new motivation from the Prayer magazines that a church friend loaned me. I feel like I am praying with fresh vigour and enthusiasm or faith.

Sunny days don't always last forever, but we should rejoice in them when we have them, and trust that the sunshine in our spirit or soul will continue even if/when clouds roll in.

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Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada