A friend who called me on Sunday for a phone visit, when I described how busy I've been rebuilding a website for a client ministry, blurted out that she had no use for computers. She didn't care about them at all. I could only change the subject.
I may be exasperating you now too, but if I am to describe what is happening at my place, this is the main story I can tell. (I promise, I won't go into all the details.)
Ike, who was the treasurer for a ministry to those interested in Biblical Creation story vs. secular a one, died a couple of months ago. Since Ike seemed to be the one most keen about the site out of all the men on the Board, I wondered if they'd vote to shut it down.
I was asked for a website report when the Board had a meeting one Saturday morning. I was plain but direct about the need to change that site from a WordPress site to a static site as I had originally built; if they wanted the site to be continued, this was my recommendation. (I pointed out evidences that hackers were trying to get into it.)
That same evening I got an email from John the Chairman of the Board, who lives 3 hours away and as a retired School teacher he is very active in the leadership of Gideons. So he often travels back and forth across Canada & the USA. He said they had liked my report and wanted me to carry out the advice I'd offered in it.
So I took it upon myself to rebuild that site. I had just about finished it when I had that crisis with my desktop I described last week. There were only 3-6 more pages to finish and then I could upload it, delete the WordPress site, and notify John that the work was done.
However, what with the hard drive problems I had not been able to do a backup of my files before the internal hard drive was changed. I spent a couple of days last week getting an enclosure to put the previous hard drive so I could use it as an external drive and get my finished files for the website from there.
Oh-Yikes! I spent 2 days trying to get those created webpages & all my other self-made files off that drive. All to no avail. I explored the system files several times, hoping to find my "created files" (not saved!) No success!
Towards the end of last week I resigned myself to re-building those webpages. Also the header image of a colourful sky full of stars and planets. (Ike loved to see the night sky with a telescope, so I thought this would be a good memorial to his work.)
Mind you, when I rebuilt that header image with that photo this week, I thought it came out better than last time, so I'm grateful.
Last night I was sure I was ready to delete the Word Press files and upload the new pages. That took some time, but then I realized that there were errors with the left margin, and the navigation links didn't show up once the pages were online. So I worked until mid- night getting that all fixed.
I'm hoping today to get the fixes put on all the 59 pages, and then I'll email John to tell him that the converted site is now up! Have a look!
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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada