My Friends are my RoseBouquet


The first surprise came on Friday when I was busy trying to get the last extra plants ready and in the porch for this sale I had advertised on Facebook and Kijij - also with posters on the power poles at both ends of my block and also behind my place in the alley where the patrons of the restaurant would be likely to see it.

I had not yet re-potted some sansevieria zeylanica as I had intended, but decided to do that work at the front steps so that anyone that came to check out the sale would find me right away.

To provide extra dirt, I was bringing half of a 5 gallon pail full from the garden through the house - when suddenly I felt a POP in my back. I groaned but carried on with sheer will- power. I got 6-7 of those plants into pots of their own, and tried to clean up...

But my back was hurting more and more and I feared another fracture. (I've had several as you may know, and realize that it takes 8 weeks to recover from one).

I began creeping around slowly and leaning on furniture. By the evening I was reduced to sitting in the recliner with my heating pad at my back. It was some help, but not full remedy.

By Saturday morning I knew I needed to go to Emergency and have x-rays taken. My mind was very busy weighing options. The big problem was that if I couldn't continue with the sale I'd have to find room for all these plants in front of my four windows; and there were too many!

Well, to skip over some details, I called on Wayne, a friend who used to be on the WTM Board when I also there as secretary of the Board. He's retired now from his job at a lumberyard; he enjoys meeting his friends at Tim Hortons' in the morning for coffee and fellowship.

He willingly agreed to take me to Emergency, but I would have to wait half an hour while he walked back home to his car.

So, Wayne got me to the Emergency door at City Hospital before 10 am. But past experiences with taking my Mom in, kicked in as every stage of their process took time. Slow - Wait!

I was back from the X-ray dept after 12 noon, and then it took more than another hour for the doctor to consult with another doc and come to tell me they found no evidence of a fracture, but they could see I was in a lot of pain, so they would give me a Rx for a painkiller. (Which is what I expected by then).

Wayne had come back and was waiting to take me home.

I was utterly exhausted and just wanted to curl up and doze off. I did manage to send an email to the woman who is in charge of the prayer Chain at church. I was hoping I would be well enough on Sunday morning to still do my volunteer job as per the schedule.

But by Sunday morning I knew I could not sit up that long, and my pain was only worse. A Rx had been phoned to the pharmacy I'd named, but I had not gone there, so I checked my cupboard and found some old left-over painkillers. They helped some so that when another friend dropped by we were able to watch the church service online together.

My heating pad and I have become quite close, but the wiring does press into my back also adding some discomfort, so I have to shift pillows in front of it.

A man came to the door, having seen my poster on a power pole,

But now for the second BIG SURPRISE that happened yesterday. He bought up several big aloe vera plants, and when he was interested in the sansevieria zeylanica I offered him two for free.

He came back in the evening, picked out three more aloe vera plants and accept another of the tall long-leafed plants as a freebie.

Wow! Another customer or two like that and my problem with too many plants will be solved!

every 4 hours, I can reduce it some. Ever the optimist, I'm now

The upper part of my back is in pain, but by taking a pain pill hoping that this crisis will be over in a matter of a few days, or at most a week or two.

Oh yes, meantime, EW, the friend that came by on Sunday, has offered to come each morning to work at cleaning up my garden for the winter. All the vegetables got picked yesterday. There is still the gathering of dead flowers for seeds, and burying the dried up garden plants to become compost for next summer's garden. Plus raking of the leaves!

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Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada