My Friends are my RoseBouquet

My Improved Health Status

Well, the results I got last Tuesday afternoon were not so very profound. The doctor that called me said that the first blood work showed some problem with my pancreas, but from what I was describing those symptoms had cleared up. She thought I should have that test run again to make sure it was cleared up.

However, she has yet to upload the Requisition form that I would have to take to the lab. So I've decided not to worry about it.

I've been feeling fine the last three weeks, and really do not have any symptoms that I feel need attention.

The only changes I still carry on, are to try to get in an afternoon nap of at least an hour, and not to be on my feet too long at one time. I've become more of a short-order cook in the kitchen.

As I mentioned last week, we had a super-duper snow storm the weekend before this last one, and I didn't even try to go out. (I could watch our church service LIVE online).

By the past weekend the temperatures were above 0 and snow melted all around us. The streets were slushy and wet as vehicles sprayed each other with every passing! I ended up going out to church in the morning for our ESL class and the worship service, then again in the afternoon for a monthly prayer meeting for the ESL helpers in a home. And once more within the half hour of getting home, back to our church for the start of a video series on prayer.

I survived all that, but when I got home I was hungry and had a quick potato salad supper, and then fell asleep with my face on my knees before I made it to bed. I woke about midnight and quickly went through my bedtime routines.

I rejoice in a positive attitude, finding that my faith in my prayer-answering God is high. I also try to slip in some of my Extra projects into my day - whenever I can.

I wish this kind of improved health status for you as well!

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Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada