I rarely get company to visit me from afar. So maybe I get more excited about this than you do. (Ah, but I think my women friends can identify.)
I am expecting a second-cousin and her husband to drop by tomorrow. I've known this for about a month already. but last night was unusual. Earlier in the evening I felt tired and was tempted to put my head down on my desk and have a little snooze.
Then, when I went to bed, reminding myself that I would need to do some food preparations today besides this RoseBouquet issue I suddenly found myself wide awake, and planning menus (several options) and when to make the dessert, etc., and on and on.
About 2:30am I glanced at my clock radio and saw the time! Gasp! I need to sleep! Else I'll have trouble in getting all that extra preparation ready. (I begged the Lord, to give His servant sleep!)
I must've fallen asleep fairly soon after that, for I woke with the alarm this morning, and was dressed and ready for today by 7:30am. (No guarantee that I won't be quite sleepy in the afternoon!)
They have been missionaries for a number of decades, first in France, then in the UK at the head office, and now they are retiring to Scotland. But they wrote that they wanted to come to Canada and visit all their long-time supporters once more.
I do not know - not yet - just when they will arrive, so I'm planning two main menu options, and a dessert. Hopefully, that will work out even if they have diet issues. (I recall, my cousin's husband is diabetic.)
I need to clean up my small dining suite, spread a table cloth, etc. I'll make the dessert and the suma borscht (made with sorrel leaves and sausage) today yet. The other menu option I can do quickly before we eat.
Oh, and then yesterday my brother and sister-in-law from Winnipeg called to say they are coming through on their way to BC for a grandson's graduation from High School in June. They want to park their camper in a park nearby and come help me with the garden for a couple of days. (Like June 2-4th, I think.)
WOW!! Things are going to happen faster here then if I do it all by myself. I need the rotortiller man to come work through my garden before then too!
Do I sound excited - even hyper, today?
Okay, if you are laughing at me, you probably get lots of company, and often, right? Old stuff, huh?
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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada