Yes, I know, I wrote about installing a shopping cart on the site to sell my brother Tom's models - well, now it was months ago. I started researching for one in December. More or less decided on one just before Christmas, and then started trying to install it in January.
But at step 3 of the installation process it balked and gave me an error message. I have spent my monday nights ever since trying to research and solve that problem and find out what I could have done wrong. I've also done the downloading/uploading and installation steps at least 4 or 5 times already.
Last night I found some information on a forum by googling my problem and I thought, 'Ah-ha! That could make a big difference!' So I went through all the steps again. But uploading over 4000 files can take several hours. By midnight the progress window was saying it could take from 2-5 more hours. (Well, sometimes it is faster...) So I watched a couple of how-to Youtube videos and learned some good stuff.
But about 1 am I decided that I was going to mess up my ability to stay away today if I didn't get to bed. So I left the computer on, just turning off the light, and went to bed.
This morning that step was all done. Time to do the last 4 steps... and then, success?! Ah... but I need to get this RoseBouquet done first. By that time it will be time to leave for my appointment. So... this will have to wait until the evening.
Would you join me in praying that finally, at long-last - tonight I will get the system installed and ready to load with the diecast models that I have already prepared - about 215 of them!?
I have a few Neuro-vax patches by VoxxLife; I'll give you one as a FREE sample; if you want to try
it out. Just get in touch with me personally. IF you know you want to buy a package of them go to: and check out lots of
Wearable Tech! (The Neuro patches boost your immunity).
I have a few REM patches by VoxxLife; I'll give you one as a FREE sample; if you want to try it out.
Just get in touch with me personally. IF you know you want to buy a package of them go to: and check out lots of Wearable
Tech! (The REM patches give you a good night's Deep Sleep).
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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada