My Friends are my RoseBouquet
(What WAS The RoseBouquet (blog) has now moved HERE - Part of the Static Site)

Shall We Compare Notes?

That's my first question today to ask you; shall we compare notes on how our holidays went, and whatever we maybe facing right now?

I hope you were able to celebrate Christmas with your family and loved ones. Or at least maybe a bit better than last year? I felt that it worked out quite well for me.

Last year our COVID restrictions said that we could only celebrate with those who lived in our house. That meant I'd have to be alone. But I was thinking of several single friends with no family or original home group to go to for Christmas. So I'd made my turkey meal on Christmas Eve, and packed six meals by late afternoon, and so I drove around to these homes and delivered thse meals to them so at least they could enjoy a full meal. Of course, some had to warm it up the next day in their microwave (if they had one).

I enjoyed a prayer retreat on Christmas day and some phone calls.

This year It seemed we were allowed small groups of guests, so I thought I'd invite 3 single friends and we could fit around my little green table this is about 2.5 ft x 2.5 ft. That meant we'd each have one side of the table for our "place."

However, as word got out that I was having some guests I got a call from someone who asked if he could come too. How could I say no? He even asked if he could come early to help out as he would be bored. Sure.

Then another guest already invited phoned to ask if I had invited Patricia. I told him I had no phone number or email for her. He gave me a number but I got a "no such number" message. So I emailed Shirley who was friends with Patricia and asked if she could check if Patricia would like to come. She emailed back: "I've already invited her. She'll be there with bells on!"

Another man, a friend of the first man who asked if he could come, came around to ask if he could purchase mealsfor himself and his daughter. She has mental health problems and won't go out of the house. (Apparently, neither of them cooks much at all). He paid me in advance when I assured him that I would have enough as I'd been given a gift card and bought a fairly big turkey with it.

So in in the end I can say that I prepared more than enough food on Christmas day for 8 of us! And I got to eat all the left overs in the week that followed!

Maybe your Christmas was not quite like that, but I'd be glad to hear (or read) about it if you want to let me know.

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P.S. Due to relentless efforts to hack into the blog, I have deleted it and move my weekly posts to this Department on my novel's site, which is all about my Friends being my Roses or RoseBouquet, and has been from the beginning, in 2001.
Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada