My Friends are my RoseBouquet
(What WAS The RoseBouquet (blog) has now moved HERE - Part of the Static Site)

A Quiet Easter & a Monday Surprise

I hope you had the kind of Easter you like best. In my case, I had a rather quiet Easter. I did not mind that at all. I needed the rest. Just to review - or in case you want to compare - I'll describe how the weekend went for me.

On Good Friday morning I was on the way to church by 9 am. It was a wonderful service, the whole Easter story was portrayed in the music that was selected and I felt totally absorbed and moved.

Once home I had a quick lunch of some home-made soup with toast, and then allowed myself a nap.

Saturday was a domestic day, and I worked at tidying up this big room which is my office, living room and dining room. This included laundry, vaccuming, washing floors, etc. By evening I was ready to sit, and spent time at the computer researching and downloading more linux system to try out on some old computers that need to be refurbished and given away.

Sunday morning started with a bath, and my usual devotional time, but keeping an eye on the clock so I would get away quickly at 10 am. Again, it was a wonderful service. Our Pastor Jorin loves baptisms and this is the second time that he scheduled some for Easter Sunday morning. (There will be some more on another Sunday).

After the service I went to visit a friend in a nursing home, and brought her some small gifts, and had a lovely chat with her.

Again, a quick lunch at home, and then a nap. My youngest sister called as I was making my lite supper. Since it was hard to pinch the phone on my ear while working with my hands, I had to pause and finish my fruit smoothee after our phone visit.

Since we had no ESL on zoom on this holiday, I planned to write some Easter letters to send out. However, I had trouble thinking of what to write, and ended up just answering some emails instead. I believe I watched a few short videos just before bedtime. See, a rather tame Easter, and yet I felt quite satisfied with it.

Then yesterday morning, cousin Gary dropped by out of the blue with a gift. (Well, he wants $20 cash when I have it at hand). It is weighted vest in royal blue veleteen outside and black fur inside. BUT! it is also hooked up with wires so that it can be plugged in. By pressing on some round embedded buttons on the left side of the vest, I can have the whole vest pulsate with a comforting throb. Great for easing and relaxing the muscles. (It shuts off in 30 min). Pressing the red button gives me warmth like a heating pad. Pressing them again, just gives me another 30 min. cycle.

This does not quite reach the pinched nerve in my neck, which is closer to the bottom back edge of my skull, but it does relax the muscles around and above my right shoulder - which connects to the neck nerve. So I'm learning to like this more and more!

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P.S. Due to relentless efforts to hack into the blog, I have deleted it and move my weekly posts to this Department on my novel's site, which is all about my Friends being my Roses or RoseBouquet, and has been from the beginning, in 2001.
Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada