My Friends are my RoseBouquet
(What WAS The RoseBouquet (blog) has now moved HERE - Part of the Static Site)

Preparations for a Change of Seasons?

Are you in a part of the world where there are regular change of seaons? This is true for most of Canada, and parts of the USA. Perhaps the things you do to prepare for the next season are different than mine. It all depends on how much the weather will change as the new season rolls in.

Are you expecting snowstorms, much colder temperatures, and more happenings indoors than outside? Yes, then you are going to have a change of seasons soon. Just like me.

Normally, I get most excited when spring comes and I will again face the challenge of making a garden, and outdoor events. However, I'm ready to confess today that I'm looking forward to winter's arrival. Nope. I have not decided that I love snow more than a garden full of plants and flowers.

It's just that the last few weeks I've grown rather weary of an extra full life this fall, with having to clean up the plants in the garden (just about done!) All these, almost weekly, 3 hour dental appointments, that sap my energy. (I had another yesterday, and expect one more at least).

I also prepared a large number of aloe vera plants and set them up in the front porch for a sale; however, hardly any sales, and some nights the temperatures are already dropping below -0 C or even -5 C., so I have to set up a fan there to stir the air in the porch, or like for -5... then I have to spread newspapers in my office/living room and carry all those plants inside for the night. Then make time to take them out again the next day.

In fact, I decided on Saturday that it was time to start giving them away to anyone who shows the least bit of interest. I plan to deliver some to two people tomorrow after my chiropractor appointment. Then I will find or MAKE space for all the rest in front of my windows. (I should have done this sale a month ago! It just happens I was down with that super-duper cold for two weeks.)

I've made a list this morning of the things that I still need to do to clean up the garden and the front yard. I think/hope I can get at least half of those done this week yet, and the rest next week. Then I will stop fussing over the garden until spring.

These 3 plans should free me up to get 2-4 hours back each day for my business projects. It is from that schedule/agenda that I've been snitching the extra time for the dental work, the garden work, and the plant sale. Oh, and the extra naps when I was coughing so hard.

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P.S. Due to relentless efforts to hack into the blog, I have deleted it and move my weekly posts to this Department on my novel's site, which is all about my Friends being my Roses or RoseBouquet, and has been from the beginning, in 2001.
Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada